Everyone is welcome to get connected with a group that they feel they fit.
There are a few options for Sunday Services. Skakel in by ons weeklikse byeenkomste:
09:00 Koninkryk Woord Bediening, Struisbaai
09:00 Koninkryk Woord Bediening Bredasdorp, Lifestyle Centre, Bredasdorp
17:00 Koninkryk Woord Bediening, Struisbaai
"When a farmer sows seeds in his field he doesn't sow sparingly and he expects a bountiful harvest. So it is when sowing seeds in the kingdom of God. Every time we sow we have an expectation that Jesus will exponentially multiply that which we give. Always give generously as God shows in your heart. God loves a cheerful giver. And be blessed." 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Saai met 'n verwagting!
Koninkrykwoord Bediening
First National Bank, Bredasdorp
Cheque Account
623 875 482 44