Die Klaar Werk van die Kruis

Ons is so opgewonde oor wat die Here vir ons doen hier aan die Suidste punt van Afrika, en die Gods vrug wat uit Koninkryk Woord Bediening groei. Na baie jare van rond trek van huis tot huis het Jesus ons geseën met n vaste gebou waar Hy self die land Lord is. Ons deure is oop vir alle mense en ons sien hoe die Here se Heerlikheid op n bo-natuurlike wyse geopenbaar word. Kom kyk wat die Here in jou lewe wil doen. Sien julle daar.

We are a bilingual family of believers (English & Afrikaans). We believe in the strength of family. We encourage fellowship in the body of Christ. There is a place for you in our family. WE WELCOME ALL.

Contact Details


  • Address Click Here

Business Information

Get Connected

Everyone is welcome to get connected with a group that they feel they fit.

  • KingdomWomen - Where we study the Word in Truth.
  • KingdomWomen Bredasdorp - Ontdek die skatte in God se woord saam met ander God vresende vrouens.
  • KingdomKIDZ - Be part of this divine journey at KingdomKIDZ, and help foster a deeper passion within them for God's Word.
  • KingdomOUTREACH - We go above and beyond to help those in need. Give. Get in touch. Get involved.
  • KingdomBUSINESS - KingdomBUSINESS seeking God's Kingdom first. Keys to your Business.
  • KingdomMEN - KingdomMEN powerful weekly prayer meetings.
  • KingdomLIFE selgroepe in Struisbaai, L'Agulhas and Bredasdorp
Service Times

There are a few options for Sunday Services. Skakel in by ons weeklikse byeenkomste:


09:00 Koninkryk Woord Bediening, Struisbaai

09:00 Koninkryk Woord Bediening Bredasdorp, Lifestyle Centre, Bredasdorp


17:00 Koninkryk Woord Bediening, Struisbaai

Bank Details

"When a farmer sows seeds in his field he doesn't sow sparingly and he expects a bountiful harvest. So it is when sowing seeds in the kingdom of God. Every time we sow we have an expectation that Jesus will exponentially multiply that which we give. Always give generously as God shows in your heart. God loves a cheerful giver. And be blessed." 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Saai met 'n verwagting!

Koninkrykwoord Bediening
First National Bank, Bredasdorp
Cheque Account
623 875 482 44


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