
Removing Repressed Negative Content that Causes Stress

Removing Repressed Negative Content that Causes Stress

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach

Removing Repressed Negative Content that Causes Stress

Research has uncovered that once the first cells start to form in a fetus, it starts to register and experience emotions, albeit not its own, but rather those of the mother. The fetus absorbs the energy related to the mother's experiences via the placenta and stores it as if it were its own. This is particularly significant if the mother experienced an event very traumatic in nature, such as sexual assault, during pregnancy in the case of an unwanted pregnancy. It is very important to understand that a baby’s neurology is already affected by the emotions experienced by the mother before it is born. 

Trauma and negative emotional experiences are linked to past events in an individual's history. The energy attached to the event is stored in the brain pathways as well as the neurology throughout the body. 

Every event that occurs in our lives is stored in the subconscious mind according to time. With Timeline Trauma Therapy® it is possible to identify the specific event that caused the repressed trauma. Once the event has been identified, it is possible to release the negative energy associated with it. The details of the event remain intact after the therapy has been completed, and the individual may still recall the event if it was the case before the therapy was conducted. The therapy however removes the negative emotions and energy attached to the event, and it therefore no longer impacts the person's life. To explain how emotionally negative content is stored in the neural network, let's consider the following example: Imagine someone taking a milk bottle from an infant while they are still drinking from it. This action triggers an anger response, and the baby experiences anger for the first time. A memory of this event becomes embedded in the baby's subconscious mind and neural network. We refer to this event as the first event. As the baby grows up, all subsequent events where anger is triggered are linked to the first event, creating a chain-like neurological structure. When a specific emotion is experienced three times or more, a negative emotional chain referred to as a called gestalt is formed in the affected person’s neurology. 

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Removing Repressed Negative Content that Causes Stress

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation Psychologist & Life Coach

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach is an integrative life coach and trauma release therapist, based in Caledon. Offering a range of exclusive in-person and online counselling services, Juan is also available to travel to your destination for therapy sessions, locally and internationally. D...

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