
The Law of Action

The Law of Action

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach

The Law of Action

All of us have to deal with personal and social issues in an attempt to improve our lives and the world we live in. Our attempts to achieve our goals and improve our lives often lead to frustration. We often jump from one problem to another without being able to identify the solutions we need to solve them. The Law of Action must be employed if we are to manifest our desires. We must engage in actions that support our thoughts dreams, emotions and words. The Law of Action states that we must do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what we are setting out to do. Unless we take actions that are in harmony with our thoughts and dreams and proceed in an orderly fashion towards what we wish to accomplish, the results will be disappointing.

You can also relate this law to that of the law of cause and effect. The cause is your action, as you take the action there will be a corresponding effect, which you may anticipate or not. The Universe will always produce an effect.

Even in a minor action like making a to-do list in the morning, you set into motion corresponding effects that change your immediate future, and if you follow up day after day it can become a habitual way of living and the results will be exponential. If you however fail to take the first action, there will not be any results forthcoming. If you wish to manifest your desires, you need to apply the Law of Action. You must engage in actions, thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words that support your desires. Simply knowing how the Law of Action works is not enough to manifest your desires. Understanding the law is just the beginning. Making it work requires more than just knowledge, desire, and optimism. To change your life, you must align yourself with this law and apply it. You need to take action. The Law of Action can be observed at work everywhere in nature. Take a seed, for example. A seed is full of potential, and when planted in fertile soil, it immediately attracts the nutrients and energy necessary for growth. The nutrients required for growth will be attracted to the seed according to the principles of this law. It will germinate, begin to grow, and eventually develop into its intended form - whether that be a tree, a plant, or a flower. The blueprint of a seed is imprinted in its DNA. It does not have a choice but to develop into what it is supposed to become. All that is required to fulfil this instinctive "action" is to attract whatever is necessary for growth. Unlike seeds, humans have the power of volition. We possess the power of choice and can determine the direction of our lives. By taking action, we can manifest our desires and aspirations and make them part of our reality. We can set our ideas and intentions in motion and manifest them by "planting" them in the field of Universal Consciousness, which is pregnant with possibilities. Remember an acorn does not force the process to become an oak tree. It allows nature to take control and manage the process. For your ideas to come to fruition, you must, like an acorn, release your attachment to the outcome and allow the universe to guide the incubation and growth process, bringing about your desired manifestation at the appropriate time. All you need to do is take action and plant the seed (idea) in the universal womb, allowing it to manifest in the way that the Universe (God) intends to.

Let nature take its course. The process begins the moment your idea (seed) is planted in the universal womb of creation. Carrot seeds typically require approximately 70 days to mature into a fully-grown carrot. We know that it takes approximately 40 weeks from conception for a human baby to be born. Every seed requires an incubation period to mature. The same goes for your ideas. When you wish to manifest something, it is important to have a clear idea of what you desire. When you have you need to visualise the result and experience the emotions associated with already having your desire. Plant the "seed" of your desires and then step back, allowing them to manifest in divine time. Allow the universe to do what it does best: bring about the desired result. Never doubt the process or interfere with the workings of nature. Your desire will manifest at the appropriate time.

To achieve your goal, you must take inspired action. This is like watering and fertilising a seed - the nourishing part of the process. You can nurture your desires by cultivating trust, belief, positivity, and gratitude. Then, visualise it as if already part of your reality…already manifested.

It is crucial to remember to nurture your desires by experiencing all the positive emotions of already possessing them every time the idea comes to mind. 

There should be no struggle involved. If you are struggling to manifest your desires, it may be due to one or more of the following reasons:

• You are not aligned with a goal or it does not accurately reflect your desires.
• You are doubting the process.
• Your goal is not environmentally sustainable.
• Attaining it will not benefit your growth.
• The timing is not right.


The Law of Action

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation Psychologist & Life Coach

Juan Esterhuizen Transformation & Life Coach is an integrative life coach and trauma release therapist, based in Caledon. Offering a range of exclusive in-person and online counselling services, Juan is also available to travel to your destination for therapy sessions, locally and internationally. D...

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