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A large portion of Kleinbaai is currently serviced by septic tanks. Provision has, however, been made in the planning of the long-term sewer master plan to service the town with a full waterborne sanitation system.
The sewer tanker system in the Greater Gansbaai is under severe pressure and the Municipality will in future find it challenging to accommodate large, new developments with individual sewer tanks.
These constraints were discussed and investigated when the Perlemoenpunt development (located on Portion 16 of Farm 711) applied for an extension time on their existing development proposal in the year 2016/2017 and in subsequent discussion meetings with stakeholders within the municipality. As an interim solution Overstrand Municipality proposed that Phase 1A of the Perlemoenpunt development can only be accommodated if it was to be serviced by individual sewer tanks. There is at this stage no need to connect these houses to the communal tank currently located at the public open space located near the Duikerfontein development.
The long-term solution is therefore to complete the full waterborne sanitation system (with a rising sewer main to Gansbaai Wastewater Treatment Works) as envisaged in the approved Sewer Master Plan.
The current segment of sewer pipeline under construction (in Kabeljou Street) is therefore as follows:
• one segment or link that forms part of the larger, long-term vision for the Kleinbaai area.
• it is not for exclusive use by the Perlemoenpunt development but rather for future use of all houses in that vicinity, including the Duikersfontein and Perlemoenpunt developments (currently on the tanker system). The pipeline will become a municipal asset.
• an attempt by Overstrand Municipality to address some of the current issues experienced by residents with regards to sewer removal services.
The concern by Kleinbaai residents regarding the birdlife and natural environment has been noted. We envisage that the construction will be a temporary disturbance and that the bird life will return to normal after construction is completed.
The Municipality is sensitive to the public comments received but the following facts are relevant at this stage:
1. We’ve asked the developer to restrict construction to the existing municipal roads and road reserves. Work outside the road will only be allowed if the required permits and approval have been received. It should be noted that the road reserve is not restricted to the actual surfaced road width but extends from the road edge to the erf boundaries parallel to the road.
2. Our Operational Department in Gansbaai will ensure that the roads will be repaired and cleaned by the contractor to the Municipality’s satisfaction.
3. The developer has committed himself to ensuring all construction work follows all relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
4. The feedback from the developer’s engineer is that all work is taking place within in the road reserve hence, there is no need for an environmental impact study unless one of the NEMA (environmental) triggers has been activated which will necessitate such a study.
In the background, though, a top performer - Overstrand Municipality - labours relentlessly to ensure this treasure trove’s clockwork ticks over smoothly. Providing municipal services to an area exceeding 1708 km2 with a population well in excess of the estimated 74500 souls is no easy feat, as th...
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Walker Bay Orchid Society was established in 1994 in the Sandbaai and Hermanus area in the Western Cape by a group of Orchid enthusiasts.
We are thrilled to announce that the Collab Citizen Application has updated their look.
Save the date! SARS Mobile to visit Overstrand in September 2024.
Rabies detected in the Cape Fur Seal population has spread from beaches.
Please take note of the new unit scale for pre-paid electricity tariffs to be implemented as from 1 July 2024.