Prominent Damp Cure, Premium Satin Silk
If you’re painting onto un-plastered bricks, apply one full coat of Prominent Damp Cure and then allow 24 hours of drying time.
If you’re painting onto un-plastered bricks, apply one full coat of Prominent Damp Cure and then allow 24 hours of drying time.
Colour your life with Prominent Paints in a deliciously golden, summer-inspired colour that radiates warmth, joy and the bliss of the season.
Colour your life with a neutral Prominent Paints Origin palette that’s elegant, timeless and on-trend.
Brick is porous, so when paint spills on the surface, it soaks in making paint removal tricky.
The colour of 2023! Imagine how Vining Ivy (PPG1148-6) can enhance that wall and make it WOW!
Give your metal pergola some love and a whole new look with our Premium Gloss Enamel paint.
A properly maintained roof requires regular repainting at seven-year intervals.
Did you know? To confirm the difference between ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals, just use a magnet.
Colour your life with Prominent Paints in Prussian Blue (PPG1154-6).
A bathroom should be a peaceful relaxing space where you can quite literally wash away the stress of a long day.
Stop rust forming or spreading with our superior quality, corrosion-inhibiting, Speciality Rust Primer for metal.
If your paint has a dripping appearance - you've got sagging.