Welcomes new members

Kleinmond Chess Club was founded in August 2016 and has come a long way since. Initially, the intention was for like-minded adults to meet weekly for a game of chess but our club also started admitting junior members in 2019 due to great demand from the youngsters in our area. Our membership numbers have steadily increased largely due to our open door policy and the fact that we strongly feel that our club is for people of all different age groups and skill levels interested in playing chess within our community. Kleinmond Chess Club is also part of the Overberg Chess Federation.

Although our club is for social chess purposes we do however host a number of internal championships throughout the year to keep things interesting and play for a top spot on our ranking scoreboard to keep the competitive spirit alive within our group. Anyone who is interested in joining can pop in at the Kleinmond Library every Tuesday evening from 18:00 to 20:00

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