4 December 2022: Hiking and Cycling Open Day
Enjoy a family day out at Beloftebos!
Enjoy a family day out at Beloftebos!
Our MTB trails are for the exclusive use of guests staying at Beloftebos Farm Cottages.
If you love nature, adventures and fun then Beloftebos is where all great journeys begin.
Come and stay at Beloftebos Farm Cottages and enjoy the thrilling and spectacular trails!
Elim loop from Beloftebos with guide Anneke Jacobs.
It is almost time to come out of your houses and explore the countryside once again!
Come and experience the brand new MTB single tracks at Beloftebos Trails and Adventures!
Beloftebos Waterpoint at the Stanford MTB Classic event that took place last weekend.
Don't forget about the Stanford MTB Classic event starting tomorrow!