Celebrating Dr Arien!
We would like to wish Dr Arien a very happy birthday today. Ariani Health Solutions would not be the same without her.
Please refer to Tip #4 on how to start your relaxation practice.
We're going to practice some Mind Training to use throughout this precious period of Personal Retreat, if we allow it to be that, rather than ongoing emphasis on isolation and lockdown!
Whenever we catch ourselves going into fear mode (e.g. worry, fear, panic, anxiety attacks), we're defaulting to our lower, instinctual, survival brain (also called the subconscious mind operating from the limbic system inside the brain).
Our challenge is to deliberately choose to focus on our higher mind (also called superconscious mind).
All human beings can decide on which mind to focus. It takes some practice, patience and perseverance (3P's as I call it) to do this, but the wonderful thing is that we all have the ability to do so.
It all starts with awareness. Every time, you become aware of fear (e.g. panic or anxiety, or physical symptoms like fast, shallow breathing, hand clenching, heart palpitations, etc.), STOP and do the muscle relaxation practice from tip #4, then some belly breathing breaks. Carry on until you feel the fear subside. IT WILL SUBSIDE IF YOU USE THIS TECHNIQUE FOR LONG ENOUGH.
You can also change the emotions and body sensing, by visualising a calm place you've been before, recall joyful memories, to help you switch to a different brainwave pattern of calm relaxation(alpha brain rhythm) and away from the stress brainwave pattern of high beta waves.
The more you do this, the more you rewire your own brain into new networks of effective functioning from within your higher mind or higher soul-self. Read more about this in my Neuroplasticity article on the website. This practice teaches us to manage our emotions to change from fear to Love.
There are many immune support tips to help you cope, on our website here.
Medical Doctor. Specialist in Natural Medicine & Holistic Healing. Available for Online and In person Consultations (Hermanus and Gansbaai). -Science and Nature in Balance -Holistic Mind-Body-Soul Approach -Metabolic Syndrome, High Blood Glucose -High Cholesterol & Hypertension -Insulin Resi...
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Read MoreWe would like to wish Dr Arien a very happy birthday today. Ariani Health Solutions would not be the same without her.
Come find out more about how I coped with many health challenges throughout 2021.
Our annual price increase will take place on 1 March 2022.
Greetings for a blessed year from Dr Arien!
We are closing today at 17:00. As we say goodbye to 2021 our hearts are filled with gratitude and joy.
We have accomplished so much and we are grateful to end the year with joy in our hearts knowing that our online options are taking off!