Celebrating Dr Arien!
We would like to wish Dr Arien a very happy birthday today. Ariani Health Solutions would not be the same without her.
A few of my patients and friends are saying that the lockdown is bad for their health, that they put on a lot of weight. Intuitively our bodies know what is healthy and prefer that above all, but with all the stresses and strains of surviving, we forget it every now and then and stop listening. Some research even suggests that obesity could increase the chance of getting COVID-19. This makes sense as fat leads to inflammation which in turn can negatively impact the immune system.
I encourage you to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, it is the only place you have to live in this world. LISTEN to it when it is feeling uncomfortable, asking you to move, in order for it to function better. LISTEN to it when you eat something and get an upset tummy. This means your body doesn’t want that food. LISTEN and provide nourishment, so that your body can do what it does best: work optimally to keep you healthy and happy.
My personal interest in the health and fitness realm is fat loss and the effect fat has on our health. It is my passion to assist patients on their fat loss journey and advise on what to eat, how to exercise and how to get your mind in the right place to achieve your health goal.
I know there is, and have been, many challenges during lockdown, both mentally, emotionally and physically, with mood swings being par for the course right now. Please refer to this link for the holistic approach to weight or fat loss that I did for Real Health, on The Home Channel.
We eat to protect ourselves with fat (as insulation). The body cannot differentiate between a real stressor (e.g. a lion attacking you) and a perceived stressor (e.g. financial constraints, social distancing, fear of the future, etc.). This is how stress leads to binge eating or using food as distraction from boredom, leading to fat gain.
Excess fat causes inflammation in the body and can lead to the expression of your genetic weakness (e.g. depression, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes type 2, metabolic syndrome, anxiety and more). Excess fat is also detrimental to your immune system and we all know we need our immune systems in tip top shape to fight off any infections now and throughout winter (including colds, flu, coronavirus, bacteria, etc.).
So, when you think about it, if you lose fat, you improve the functioning of your immune system and your whole body. If you use this notion as your motivation, no craving or feeling of hunger can get to you! We have developed a complete online fat loss experience. If you are interested contact us.
Please let us know how we can help you on your health or fat loss journey.
Lots of Love,
Anri van Rooyen
Medical Doctor. Specialist in Natural Medicine & Holistic Healing. Available for Online and In person Consultations (Hermanus and Gansbaai). -Science and Nature in Balance -Holistic Mind-Body-Soul Approach -Metabolic Syndrome, High Blood Glucose -High Cholesterol & Hypertension -Insulin Resi...
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Read MoreWe would like to wish Dr Arien a very happy birthday today. Ariani Health Solutions would not be the same without her.
Come find out more about how I coped with many health challenges throughout 2021.
Our annual price increase will take place on 1 March 2022.
Greetings for a blessed year from Dr Arien!
We are closing today at 17:00. As we say goodbye to 2021 our hearts are filled with gratitude and joy.
We have accomplished so much and we are grateful to end the year with joy in our hearts knowing that our online options are taking off!