6 April 2025: Car Boot Sale
Join us at the Birkenhead Boat Club at the Old Harbour for a fun-filled Car Boot Sale!
Birkenhead Boothengelklub was established in 1988 by a group of local Gansbaai boat anglers.
Over the years, the clubhouse has become as much a part of the fishing community as the fisherfolk themselves.
Gansbaai is one of a few working fishing villages in the Western Cape.
Gansbaai’s fishing industry dates back to the earliest settlement days when, in 1881, Johannes Wessels built the first temporary dwelling next to the freshwater spring on the spot where Gansbaai’s old harbour is now situated. Johannes named it Gansegat (goose’s hole), after the colony of Egyptian geese that congregated around the spring.
The village’s name eventually evolved into the more respectable Gansbaai (Goose Bay).
Descendants of those first geese still inhabit the area near the harbour along with a colony of Dutch-quacker ducks.
The club was named in honour of the HMS Birkenhead, a historic ship which foundered off Gansbaai's coastline at Danger Point in 1852.
The club is proud to host community get-togethers and has been the setting for hundreds of memorable events, celebrations and gatherings.
Birkenhead Boothengelklub welcomes club members of all ages, whether they are fisherfolk or friends passionate about the sea.
A three-month probation period applies to all new members. For more information, please call the Birkenhead Boothengelklub.
Birkenhead Boothengelklub has a fully licensed pub that welcomes members and non-members.
Trading Hours
Birkenhead Boothengelklub hosts various ongoing private and community events and functions.
Everyone is welcome, and you don’t have to be a club member to attend.
The Dop-en-Tjop get-togethers are a whole lot of fun! The club supplies the wood and you bring meat and salads.
There is a cash bar and every second Wednesday there is live music.
Non-members are welcome to join if they join a club member. Expect to hear stories about the town’s fishing legends and fishing tales about the, “One that got away!”
Here’s your chance to enjoy fresh Hottentot fish, straight from the braai - served with chips and salad.
Everyone is invited to the club to cheer the Bokke on when they play international games!
There is a cash bar.
The popular monthly dinner dance is a get-together for the over-forty age group. It includes a three-course meal in a relaxed environment with music so you can dance the night away. There is a full cash bar selling all your favourites. Booking is essential because admission is on a first-come, first-served basis.
The year’s main fishing competition is where various fishing clubs compete in a one-day event with great prizes and a function afterwards.
The year-end function is a long-standing tradition with a prize-giving ceremony to celebrate member achievements.
A party on Old Year's Eve celebrating the year that was and the new year. Booking way in advance is essential because everyone will be there!
Contact Birkenhead Boothengelklub for more information and to make a booking for any of the events and functions listed above.
Birkenhead Boothengelklub offers a spacious venue for private functions in a quaint harbour setting.
The club has seating for 120 people indoors and an outside area where extra seating can be arranged (weather-dependent).
Perfect For:
For more information about hosting your function at the Birkenhead Boothengelklub, contact:
“Hein en Mel ,wil vir julle en jul span baie baie dankie se. Die kos vanaf die sop tot die besonderse nagereg en ander gesellighede was uitstekend gewees. En natuurlik was die musiek net so lekker! Dis julle wat die Birkenhead Boothengelklub lekker maak.” Charlie
“Dankie Birkenhead Boothengelklub dat julle die Valentyn ete en dans moontlik gemaak het. Dit was n groot sukses!” Tannie Tiekie
“Hein, congratulations to you and your team at the Birkenhead Boothengelklub. It was a professional function with outstanding music, excellent food and fantastic spirit!” Oom Norman
"Tafels en saal het baie mooi gelyk gisteraand. Die kos, was ook baie lekker. Weet nie hoe jul dit kon doen vir R150. Mooi dag." Paulina
“The Birkenhead Boothengelklub is all about warm, friendly people. Every Wednesday, Birkenhead Boothengelklub has a braai night. I look forward to it every week.” Kerstin Wentzel
“Gesellige mense! Birkenhead Boothengelklub hou een keer 'n maand 'n lekker party vir almal wat mal is oor visvang.” Oubaas Lesch
“Gasvrye mense!” Annabe Lambrechts
“Birkenhead Boothengelklub is the perfect venue for a birthday party! Lots of parking and enough room to move.” Jennifer Eloise
“Total awesomeness.” Annelie Jacobs