Art Retreat

Join Nastasha Minyon Sale and Gervais Christie on a weekend of deep diving into the magic world of plant colour, felt craft and slow stitching. An immersive 2-day retreat where you will learn how to make natural dye and eco-print using mother nature’s very own pigments.

As we step into the light of Spring what better way to honour this season than to work with the plants that are in bloom around us? You will gain all practical knowledge on the process of making natural dye and how to eco-print.

Paying attention to the slow process of this art form we will be working in the pristine grounds of Bohdi Khaya, where you will have time to fully immerse yourself in the glory of Spring in this breath taking nature retreat.

Looking into the ancient history of plant dyes and the rituals held to honour our earth and all she provides.

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Over the course of the weekend we will be covering

Over the course of the weekend we will be covering:

  • Natural dye making 
  • Eco-printing 
  • Felt making and craft 
  • Slow stitching 
  • Botanical ink on paper 
  • Working with both cellulose and protein fibres 
  • Creative flow movement 
  • Relaxing in nature 

You will have the choice to choose what level of accommodation suits your needs and all food is catered for by Bohdi Khaya’s amazing chef. You will be provided with 3 nutrient-dense delicious meals a day, as well as beverages. 

Indulge in a weekend of pure plant magic. We look forward to meeting you!

This retreat is limited to 10 people.

About your Facilitators

About your Facilitators 

Nastasha Minyon Sale

Nastasha is a multi-disciplinary artist, who has for the past 6 years, settled in the quiet town of Napier in the Overberg. Over the past few years, Nastasha has opened her studio up to the public where she offers workshops on natural dye making and eco-printing. Her work looks at symbolism, ritual, and pattern. She will be guiding you through the processes and practical knowledge on how to eco-print and make natural dye. Botanical colour is a passion for Nastasha and she loves to inspire people by introducing them to this wonderful art form. Expect to be astounded by just how much magic plants really possess and how we can work with them. 

If you are interested in knowing more about her work please follow @the_ad_o_rned 

Gervaise Christie

Since leaving school Gervaise intensively studied a variety of disciplines, from the fine arts to movement therapy, holistic health and sustainability practices in the forms of permaculture and natural building. She guided white water rafting trips for eight years, living for most part on the river banks and has traveled the world as a nomad, seeking the gifts and experiences that come with exploration. Gervaise has travelled extensively through Asia, Australia, Africa and Europe, always seeking out the indigenous and the wild. On these journeys she acquired a keen interest in indigenous stories and nature crafts and now runs workshops and retreats teaching her nature skills, indigenous crafts, natural building techniques and food forest agriculture.

Gervaise is the mother of two wild beautiful children, they live at the foot of, what feels like a never ending mighty mountain range. She has process guided mindful walks for woman’s groups and re-wilding groups through these mountains. She can also be found sitting in ice cold mountain pools, spinning wool or telling stories round the fire.


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