South African celebrities wear their tekkies for a good cause

South African celebrities wear their tekkies for a good cause

Gansbaai Courant

It’s that time of the year again when you can kick of your high heels, school shoes or boots and swap them for your comfy pair of tekkies (we all know you want to).  The best part – it is all for a good cause.

How, you ask? Friday, 29 May is Tekkie Tax Day! All you have to do is:

Choose the sector you want to support and YES, you may choose more than one.

Animals                          Basic Family Care          Children           Disability or          Education

Get your R10 sticker (that is the tax you pay) and wear your tekkies. Maybe just wash them before you wear them. If you don’t have time, you can get a pair of our funky shoelaces called “tekkie tags”. This way you won’t be ashamed because you can’t tell the colour of your tekkies anymore.

You can get the stickers and “tekkie tags” from any of the participating welfare organisations or you can order what you need directly from their website.

The project is supported by five well know South African celebrities who will be the official ambassadors for National Tekkie Tax day this year.

Afrikaans rapper Jack Parow will be the Animal ambassador, Master Chef star Sade Giliberti the Basic Family Care ambassador, Sorina Erasmus (the Flooze) the Children ambassador, much loved Expresso presenter Katlego Maboe  the Disability ambassador and the queen of dance Tebogo Kgobokoe the Education ambassador.

The campaign is endorsed by 16 of the biggest and most accountable national NGOs in the country, representing more than 1 500 local organisations i.e. : Epilepsy SA, Child Welfare SA, SOS Children's Villages, CHOC (Childhood Cancer Foundation), Special Olympics SA, Endangered Wildlife Trust, HPCA - Hospice Palliative Care SA, Imisebeyelanga Services, CANSA, Meals on Wheels, ACVV, VVA, Highveld Horse Care Unit, Cheshire Homes SA, NG Welsyn, SAVF . . .  and these are just the national beneficiaries!

Put your best foot forward this May and support the next Tekkie Tax Day on Friday, 29 May 2015.

Cornèl Theron

South African celebrities wear their tekkies for a good cause

Cornel Theron

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