R43 Padgebruikers Kla: Padmakers Moet Spoed V...
Gansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
Nelson Mandelas’ funeral undertaker, AVBOB, donated R30,000 worth of library essentials (books and furniture) to two organizations that are key in uplifting the communities of Eluxolweni and Pa-piesvlei. This has been done in the spirit of Nelson Mandela Day celebrations.
Eluxolweni Community Library is relatively new, but its potential as a centre for personal and academic development in Eluxolweni has inspired us to donate R20,000 worth of furniture and other essential material to empower them. Fynbos Academy initially started as a day-care centre for children from farming communities in and around Papiesvlei and has grown from strength to strength to establish itself as a literacy and numeracy learning centre with qualified educators running the programs. “They expressed a need for books and we donated over R10,000-worth,” said Zaide Essop.
Despite a blustering, cold winter wind that blew relentlessly through the Overstrand on Friday, 17 July 2015, attendees were left with a warm, fuzzy feeling when AVBOB funeral undertakers handed over a sizable donation of library books, office furniture and fixtures to the newly established library at Eluxolweni, Pearly Beach.
The ceremonial event was held ahead of International Nelson Mandela Day on 18 July, and it is only fitting that AVBOB, who was the official undertaker of this great statesman when he passed in December 2013, continues to honour his legacy by providing books and material to aid the government in the development of its youth. The significance is even more profound given that Madiba was relentless in his efforts to ensure the youth of our country are provided with every opportunity to receive an education.
To this end, Frik Rademan the CEO of AVBOB, stated “We are honoured and privileged to be able to make this contribution to the Eluxolweni community as we know the importance of ensuring that our youngsters are literate. Being able to read opens up a new world to them. That we are able to provide these books is our small way of investing in their education - an investment that will serve them and our country well in time to come.” In his keynote address Deputy Mayor, Rudolph Smith extended his gratitude to AVBOB on behalf of the Overstrand Municipality and commended the company on the sterling work they do in needy communities.
“The Eluxolweni community are indeed very appreciative of these amazing gifts that they’ve received today,” said the Deputy Mayor. “I urge the community to look after the facility and to report vandalism to the authorities so that you can preserve the library for your kids. Teach them about the value of books and using the library responsibly so that they in turn can pass it over to their children.”
The ceremony was concluded with a light finger luncheon which was enjoyed by all. The children, in particular, were especially enthralled by the winter warming treats of chocolates and blankets that were handed out by AVBOB officials.
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Read MoreGansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
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