Closed Trips on 25 August 2015

Closed Trips on 25 August 2015

Gansbaai Courant

On Tuesday the 25th of August, 12 trips teams made up of 36 local bowlers arrived at a cool and wet Franskraal Bowling Club and were all greeted with a hot beverage of tea or coffee. Our President Pieter Conradie opened proceedings and welcomed everyone with a special mention for the presence of both Cassie Smith and Gert Pretorius. He thanked the sponsors Colour Box and said that they would be joining us later on in the afternoon. President Pieter then introduced Jaco Swart, the Club Captain, who explained  the rules for the day’s competition as follows:-

3 games of 12 ends each with a skin every fourth end for 2 points each and 4 points for a win giving a total of 10 points per game. With 2 trial ends per game and 1 burnt end per team per game with the jack being placed back on the 2 meter mark thereafter.

Michael Vermeulen organised and set up a sound system to entertain the bowlers with “lekker vastrap” music throughout the day. Play began just after 9am, East – West on a damp but still fairly quick “B” Green. On completion of play, everyone returned to the clubhouse for hot tea or coffee and a biscuit as Una Conradie adjudicated the scorecards for the second game of strength against strength. Archie Chambers and Club    Secretary Henk van der Walt lit up the braai as the second game was played. Hamburger and chips with cheese and a yummy tomato & onion sauce welcomed the players as the green was turned North – South. The spider was contested with all the proceedings going to the Silver Jare Old Age Home in Blompark. The final games followed, watched by Salmon the Colour Box sponsor, and then everyone gave in their scorecards and rushed into the bar to quench their thirsts as Una undertook the final adjudication of the day.

President Pieter thanked everyone including the barmen, the cooks, the kitchen staff, the adjudicators and all the participants. He then asked everyone to thank the person next to them... he did this to remind us all to be thankful for each and all of our blessings. Pieter then introduced Salmon the Colour Box sponsor who was given a hearty applause. The prize  giving followed and 3 lucky draw cards were drawn for Lead Christie Swart, Second Cassie Smith and Skip Pieter Con-radie. A bottle of wine was awarded to the Spider winner Ivan Giles to a rowdy applause. The winners were introduced by President Pieter and were all given a kiss or a handshake together with an envelope by the sponsor Salmon as follows:-

3rd Place with 20 +8 was Jane de Villiers, Dalena Wessels & Chris Malec. 2nd Place with 20 +9 was Sakkie van Zyl, Gert Pretorius & Gerrie Fourie. 1st Place with 27 +33 was Tommie van Niekerk, Annie Smit & Michael Vermeulen

It was a truly marvellous event where the really BIG winner of the day was bowls itself!

Chris Malec

Closed Trips on 25 August 2015

Chris Malec

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