Kwaskenades Ubuntu Exhibition

Kwaskenades Ubuntu Exhibition

Gansbaai Courant

Olga & her ladies of the Kwaskenades art group of Gansbaai will be hosting a Kwaskenades ‘Ubuntu’ Art Exhibition from 15 to 19 December from 09h00 to 17h00 daily.  Olga has asked all the ladies to paint wonderful ‘Ubuntu’ paintings with the focus of caring for others.  Olga says her idea of this exhibition came about how she felt about Gansbaai.

Her  words:  “At the southern tip of Africa is a small town called Gansbaai. That's where the whales frolic in the ocean with tails waving and fountains spraying.  This is where the Great White Sharks dive in our deep blue waters and blue cranes grace us with their presence.  This is where our love and caring (ubuntu) needs to be felt by everyone across our land.  Not only is this an exhibition, it is also a great charity drive as 20% of all paintings sold will be divided equally between two organisations of Gansbaai: Silwer Jare Senior Sentrum & Elim Children’sHome.

We look forward to seeing you there, for further details call Olga, 082 444 9172 or Julia 082 332 6634.

Julia Barlow

Kwaskenades Ubuntu Exhibition

Julia Barlow

Gansbaai Courant provides the Gansbaai community with the latest in news and interesting stories about and around the area.

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