Safety of our learners during holidays

Safety of our learners during holidays

Gansbaai Courant

With school holidays on our door step the Western Cape Police would like to use this opportunity to warn learners, their parents and people with authority over children of certain dangers.                

Matric Celebrations

The habit of matriculants to celebrate the end of their school term at certain popular spots in our province must be conducted in an orderly and responsible fashion and we encourage learners not to go overboard with abuse of alcohol and lawless behaviour. An altercation with the law could hamper the holiday spirit and should be avoided.


We are fortunate to have good weather during our year-end holidays which is a good time to visit beaches and pools. Unfortunately this activity often results in tragedy and we would like to warn those going for a swim to be careful. Only swim in dedicated swimming areas where a lifeguard is on duty. Swimming in the sea must be conducted with caution as currents can often create problems for inexperienced swimmers.


Parents must refrain from leaving children alone at home during holidays as this can create opportunity for criminals. Home owners must report vacant houses to their local police stations when they go on holiday so that the police can do regular patrols. Business owners who will be paying salaries must do so in a safe environment and refrain from withdrawing large amounts of money.  Let us prevent crime by being vigilant during this period and act responsibly at all times. 


Safety of our learners during holidays


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