R43 Padgebruikers Kla: Padmakers Moet Spoed V...
Gansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
On Friday, 11 December 2015, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (“the Department”) concluded the distribution process in which application form(s) and sector specific policies were handed out to prospective applicants in various distribution centres throughout the Coastal and Inland Provinces. The following fisheries sectors are due for reallocation of rights: Abalone, Fish Processing Establishment, Hake Inshore Trawl, Horse Mackerel, Kwazulu-Natal Sardine Beach-Seine, Large Pelagic Longline, Netfish, Patagonian Toothfish, Seaweed, West Coast Rock Lobster (Nearshore) and West Coast Rock Lobster (Offshore).
Prospective applicants in the above-mentioned sectors are hereby advised to complete their application form(s) as the Department will commence receipting of completed applications on Monday, 11 January 2016 until Friday, 22 January 2016. Applicants must submit completed application form(s) at one of the venues (receipting centres) as set out in Table 1 during the dates and times stipulated. Application forms must not be faxed, posted or emailed. See “Important Information” on the application forms for more instructions on the completion and lodgement of applications.
South African Persons (as defined by the MLRA) wishing to submit their completed application form(s) are required to bring the original identity document (individuals), company registration document (entities) and/or a letter authorizing the individual submitting the application on behalf of the interested party to one of the receipting centres. In case of a company or close corporation, the authorisation letter must be signed by the Managing Director or Managing Member. Where the Authorised Representative nominated in terms of a Resolution signs the authorization letter to appoint a representative, a copy of the Resolution must be produced.
Furthermore, the authorization letter must be printed on the company’s or close corporation’s letter head. The company’s or close corporation’s letter head should reflect the company’s or close corporations name and registration number; names of the directors or members; physical address company or close corporation and contact details of the company or close corporation.
Applicants are advised that subsequent to receipting process, the Department will appoint a firm of Independent Auditors to verify the correctness and accuracy of information provided by applicants to the Department when applying for rights. Applicants are therefore advised to have all copies of their documents readily available for the intended verification process.
The Department reserve the right to verify the correctness and accuracy of information at any given stage should the verification process not be concluded prior granting of rights. The information provided by applicants that is NOT true or complete which may have influenced the decision of the Delegated Authority in granting such a right shall be considered as a violation of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998) and may result in the initiation of legal proceedings which may include section 28 proceedings and/or criminal proceedings.
Should there be any changes with regards to venues, dates and times, such changes will be communicated. No extension on receipting of completed applications will be considered.
For further media enquiries contact:
Palesa Mokomele– 082 904 1908
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Read MoreGansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
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