Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings

Gansbaai Courant

At the end of the year it’s always a privilege to be able to reflect on the events of the preceding 12 months. As the year 2015 rapidly draws  to  an  end,  we are reminded that time really does fly by. Despite many challenges and uncertainty of volatile markets, our current economic circumstances and political challenges of election year 2016, we can look back and be grateful for another blessed year. Christmas is not only a time for reflection but also a time to share with family, friends and other community members. We must remember that this time of the year is not a happy time for those who has lost loved ones, who are alone and sick. So be kind to each other and extend a supportive hand if required. After all, isn’t that the true meaning behind the Christmas spirit? Unfortunately we also experience an increase in criminal activity during the festive season. I  call  on all  communities  to  be  vigilant  and report suspicious activities and vandalism of municipal properties to the police and law enforcement agents. We must show that we care, by protecting the properties of fellow human beings and by looking after the infra structure  that  the  municipality  has provided.

To the Gansbaai community- thank you for the support during the past year and it was a privilege to be of service to you.  

This festive season, cherish the time together with family and friends and use the opportunity to love each other. It is my wish that you experience the blessings of Christmas and that the year 2016 brings peace and prosperity.

May the true meaning of the season fill your  heart  and  home  with many blessings. 

Councillor Riana de Coning

Seasons Greetings

Riana de Coning

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