Tourism donates to Sanctuary

Tourism donates to Sanctuary

Gansbaai Courant

Glenda Kitley (Manager: Gansbaai Tourism), Brenda du Toit (Chairperson: Gansbaai Tourism and Personal Assistant: Wilfred Chivell) and Hardus Botha (Treasurer: Gansbaai Tourism) recently hand-over a R1,000 donation to Wilfred Chivell on behalf of the Gansbaai Tourism Committee.

The donation is meant to be allocated to the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS). “The Tourism Bureau and the community are proud of what is being achieved by the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary and just wish to show our support,” said Glenda. An appreciative Wilfred Chivell responded, “The African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary is reliant on donations. Corporate sponsors have helped dramatically but only cover a third of the cost involved so we are grateful to Gansbaai Tourism for their kind gesture of support.”

All R1,000 donations are acknowledged by a plaque on the wall at APSS. “Currently there are a few juvenile African penguins (referred to as ‘blues’ because of their plumage) as well as an adult to view at the Sanctuary. The penguins have come in for various reasons from having grease on the feathers to being undernourished to a recent addition with a shark bite,” said Brenda. Die APSS is op 26 Februarie vanjaar deur die minister van Toerisme, Derek Hanekom geopen en is ‘n inisiatief van die Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT), in samewerking met Marine Dynamics en Dyer Island Cruises, asook etlike ander rolspelers en borge, met die leuse: “Elke voël tel!”

Die APSS is elke dag van die week vanaf 09:00 tot 16:00 oop vir gratis besoeke, met ‘n vrywillige donasie wat gegee kan word en inwoners en besoekers kan gerus ‘n draai gaan maak. “Should you find any penguins or seabirds in distress please contact the special APSS Rescue Line at 072-598-7117,” said Brenda.

Hardus Botha

Tourism donates to Sanctuary

Hardus Botha

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