Aon and Volunteers

Aon and Volunteers

Gansbaai Courant

Aon on volunteers helping communities at risk. Celebrating its commitment to empowering economic and human possibility  around  the  world,  Aon,  the global provider of risk management and human resource consulting and outsourcing, recently held its Global Service Day. Volunteers in more than 40 countries worked with more than 250 charities to help make their communities stronger and more sustainable. Aon colleagues at the Cape Town branch spent the morning at DARG Animal Rescue where they donated food and animal toys to the cats and dogs in need of adoption.

The Aon colleagues also spent a few hours interacting with the animals. As part of the firm’s global mission, Aon’s company-wide service day provides staff the opportunity to take time off from their work to engage in supportive activities that focus on providing assistance to charitable organisations that serve communities at risk. “The core of any corporation’s citizenship is how its business contributes to society and to the communities where its colleagues live and work,” said Gurshan Overmeyer, Branch Manager at Aon’s Cape Town branch. “Today, we unite to give back to our local community in order to empower those who need it most.”

Aon and Volunteers

Aon Risk Management

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