PACA se terugvoering

PACA se terugvoering

Gansbaai Courant

Die Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA) se terugvoeringsvergadering onder voorsitterskap van  Kobus  van Staden het  onlangs plaasgevind.  Die 10 projekte se projekleiers het terugvoering oor hul vordering gelewer. Die PACA is ‘n inisiatief van die Gansbaai Sakekamer en Overstrand Local Economic Development (LED), in samewerking met Gansbaai Toerisme. Die eind-resultaat van die eerste PACA-byeenkoms was 10 korttermyn projekte wat vir die bemarking en verbetering van Gansbaai geïdentifiseer is. Die projekte is in werking gestel, met ‘n koördineerder vir elke projek en sommige van die projekte is reeds volstoom aan die gang. Hier volg ‘n verkorte weergawe van die notule met verwysing na die 10 projekleiers se terugvoering aan die vergadering:

Campaign Gansbaai Tourism:

Caron Lee briefly explained the new marketing campaign of Gansbaai Tourism with the slogan - Gansbaai the natural adventure destination.  New marketing plan has been drawn up and there are various initiatives on the go to ensure that Gansbaai is marketed to the full extent.

Better Utilization of Festivals for Marketing:

Dave Sawtelle as chairman of the Funky Fynbos Festival committee outlined the aims of the festival. The first one held in 2014 which included a MTB and trail run was most successful and the committee intends building on it in 2015.

Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS):

Glenda Kitley reported that this project under the auspices of the Dyer Island Conservation Trust has been completed and is a world class sanctuary. She referred people to the display and encouraged all to visit if they have not done so already. Carli from the trust concurred that much marketing is being done for this centre and that it has already treated and released a number of birds.

Masakhane Township Tour:

Glenda  Kitkey reported that in conjunction with the LED Department, Gansbaai Tourism has seen to it that Ally Msweli has completed a Site Guide course as well as a First Aid course. He will start now with the townships tours as a guide but more will be trained as the tours take momentum. 

Service Excellence LED Department:

Vanessa Benans reported that various courses are in the pipeline  and there will be a customer care course presented in Hermanus in July and August.

Develop a shared vision of the town look and feel:

Fanie Bothma was the spokesperson for the Aesthetics committee. The entrance to town was the first project and this has been completed. They are now tackling the Main road and the side roads will be addressed. Also some of the businesses have been asked to attend to the outside of their buildings and in future businesses may be requested to consider a certain colour scheme in fitting with a seaside town.

Small scale abalone production and sills development:

Hennie Otto briefly explained the aim of this project - and stated that as it involves a number of sub-sections. The project involves skills development and later a tourism attraction in an aquaculture centre A workshop with representatives from LED,  as  well  as  Hawston  Abalone  and Department of Environmental  affairs  had  been held to look at funding modules.

Support to safely and security – to reduce crime:

Dave Sawtelle explained that during the PACA process the need to assist the SAPS was identified. A number of things were identified and a local business is assisting.  Mr  Kat  Myburgh mentioned that it is imperative that this Safety and Security project receive attention as the crime rate in Gansbaai is escalating dramatically.

Youth entrepreneurship and development

Vanessa Benans reported that there is a need to change the mindset - very few younger generation want to start their own business- just looking for work. Not happening at present.

Local shuttle service:

Maretha Geldenhuys explained that she identified the need  for a transport system in Gansbaai and it was re-iterated at PACA. She feels that this can be a sills development and job creation project.  Various  avenues  are being investigated.  Mr Xolile Kosi, Manager: LED  Overstrand said  that  is  it  important to find  local champion as for the Service Excellence. LED will lend support.

The way forward:

Councillor Dudley Coetzee mentioned that is it important that the “look and Feel” be broadened - the look is one thing and the town is beginning to look good. The feel is a people thing and  the  locals  need  to  feel proud and give good service delivery at every turn. Employers need to instill a sense of pride in all employees that they become ambassadors!

Mr Xolile Kosi, Manager: LED Overstrand said that he felt that this had been a very fruitful report back meeting. Notice should be taken of the actions and the good work continue. LED is always prepared to assist and support will be given to all the projects. The private, public partnership is going to be of vital importance in each of the projects.

Navrae rakende die PACA kan aan Glenda Kitley, Bestuurder: Gansbaai Toerisme by 072-291-5564 of 028-384-1439 gerig word, of stuur ‘n e-pos aan haar by

Hardus Botha

PACA se terugvoering

Hardus Botha

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