What a difference a Mandela Day makes

What a difference a Mandela Day makes

Gansbaai Courant

Volunteers from across the country joined the Flower Valley Conservation Trust team, in honor of Nelson Mandela Day. Teams worked at four Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres across the Gansbaai region, to improve the learning environment of young children.

The teams gave 67 minutes, and more, of their time at Flower Valley’s Early Learning Centre on Flower Valley Farm, Dolfyntjies in Pearly Beach, and Takalane and Good Hope ECD Centres, both in Masakhane. Cracking walls were sealed and painted, swings and other play-area activities were constructed, and trees were planted, among some of the activities.

Companies that joined Flower Valley – either by providing workforce assistance, or by donating resources, include Taurus Chemicals (Cape Kelp) from Gansbaai, Haw & Inglis, the Fynbos Trail and Premium Fishing. Aside from the companies, individuals from as far afield as Pretoria joined the Trust at the centres on Friday and Saturday, 17 and 18 July. The centres form part of the Flower Valley Early Childhood Development Programme, a programme working to improve the quality of ECD services to children aged birth to six.

The programme has reached more than 200 children and 18 practitioners since receiving renewed support from the Wes-tern Cape Department of Social Deve-lopment in 2013. Other partners include community leaders and members and the Overstrand Municipality, among others. From the Flower Valley Conservation Trust team – a huge thank you to everyone who helped out as part of the Mandela Day activities. We are extremely grateful for the support. You’ve made a huge difference to the lives of many children from the Overstrand area.

Heather Dalton

What a difference a Mandela Day makes

Heather Dalton

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