R43 Padgebruikers Kla: Padmakers Moet Spoed V...
Gansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
The opening of the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) on the 26th February was set as such to coincide with the first Walker Bay Bird Fair. Stanford Bird Club and Hermanus Bird Club joined forces to host the Walker Bay Bird Fair (WBBF) with special guest Tim Appleton MBE, founder of the British Bird Fair, as the opening address guest speaker.
The team from the WBBF set out to raise funds in support of the APSS and six months after the official opening the team visited the APSS where they handed over a R20,000 donation to founder Wilfred Chivell. Xolani Lawo, the APSS “penguin whisperer” was able to update them on the African penguins that are being rehabilitated. Three penguins were of course named after the team - Craig, Debbie and Peter.
The donation was made in memoriam of Brummer Olivier, a passionate nature guide, who passed away tragically in a helicopter accident on the 22nd September. This donation is a wonderful gesture for a man who dearly loved birds. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust and APSS wishes the Walker Bay Bird Fair future success with its objectives which is the continued promotion of birding and promotion of the many aspects of conservation efforts in this region.
Die APSS is elke dag van die week vanaf 09:00 tot 16:00 oop vir gratis besoeke, met ‘n vrywillige donasie wat gegee kan word. Inwoners en besoekers kan gerus ‘n draai gaan maak. Onthou van die Pikkewyn Reddingslyn se kontaknommer: 072-598-7117.
Brenda Du Toit, Personal Assistant: Wilfred Chivell
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Read MoreGansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
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