Open Mixed Trips 19 September

Open Mixed Trips 19 September

Gansbaai Courant

Early morning and12 trips teams converged on the Franskraal Bowling Club and were welcomed as they registered for this competition sponsored by Build-It.

President Pieter Conradie made special mention of the 2 teams from Riviersonderend and the 3 teams from Kleinmond. He apologised for the unsightly condition of A Green under repair. Pieter introduced Philip Malherbe who led us all in prayer and gave thanks for all our bowling blessings.  Marius de Wit, the Club Manager explained the format of the games  and  Jaco Swart,  the  Club Captain explained the scoring. Play began on B green on a slick surface and a stiff windsock after which everyone returned back to the clubhouse for tea and sandwiches. The second game was played with sunshine and a strong, gusty breeze before everyone returned back to the clubhouse for a lovely lunch. The Spider was contested by everyone and proceeds were collected for the Silwer Jare Old Age Home in Blompark. Jaco Swart was the winner.  The final game followed and everyone went back into the clubhouse for the prize giving. The wheel was spun by Marius and Annie Smit was the lucky winner. Next the hamper was drawn and won by Colleen Knox.  Pieter thanked everyone for their efforts on the day. He gave Fred Rossouw from Franskraal a special thank you for his helping out and playing with one of the teams from Riviersonderend that were a player short. Finally President Pieter awarded the day’s prizes as follows:-

3rd place with 20 +13 ~ Gideon Pienaar, Sip Groenewald and Magda Oosthuizen

2nd place with 20 +24 ~ Tommie van Niekerk, Annie Smit and Henk van der Walt

1st place with 27 +35 ~ Philip Malherbe, Dina Jooste and Chris Malec

Congratulations to the Franskraal teams for their clean sweep and a BIG THANK YOU to all the participants and visitors on the day.

Chris Malec

Open Mixed Trips 19 September

Chris Malec

Gansbaai Courant provides the Gansbaai community with the latest in news and interesting stories about and around the area.

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