Rocco’s Bucket List of Things

Rocco’s Bucket List of Things

Gansbaai Courant

“I have a friend, Lesley Lesperance, who arrived from Plettenberg Bay and she has a son Rocco (15) who has been treated at the Red Cross Hospital from little, suffe-ring from Renal failure and with a right donor kidney,” says Rita van den Berg, new Manager of Sea Star Lodge in De Kelders along with her husband, Frank.

“He is in need of another transplant and his mother has decided to donate hers which will take place next year.” Rocco has a “bucket list of things” that he has wanted to experience and one of them was a trip to Sun City. Reach for a Dream Foundation have given him and his mom a few days stay at Sun City. His next wish was to go whale watching. Rita says kindly mutual friends of them in Hermanus, Launa and Guy van Cuyck, have given them free accommodation for three days. Myself and Frank have organised through Sea Star Lodge a free whale watching trip with Ivanhoe in Gansbaai who have kindly offered a free trip to fulfill his dream. Ivanhoe also spoiled Rocco with an Ivanhoe T-shirt and hat, which made him feel very special. Launa and Guy brought them to us and on their arrival Rocco was taken for his whale watching trip.

“Rocco saw at least 20 whales and he was blown away by the wow and amazing experience!” says Rita. Unfortunately a few days later Rocco passed away on Saturday the 10th September 2015. “We are devastated with the news but so happy we could fulful one of his dreams,” Rita said.

Hardus Botha

Rocco’s Bucket List of Things

Hardus Botha

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