Motorklub pro-Pikkewyne

Motorklub pro-Pikkewyne

Gansbaai Courant

Tydens die Garden Route Motor Club se besoek aan Gansbaai, het hulle oudergewoonte eers in Gansbaai hawe vir fotos parkeer en later ook ‘n besoek by die Strandveld museum afgelê. Vanjaar was daar ‘n derde en belangrike besoekpunt: die African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) naby Kleinbaai.

“The Garden Route Motor Club is a multi-marquee car club whose members reside in the beautiful Garden Route and of course they all share a passion for cars,” het Anwynn Louw gesê. “During this visit we paid a visit to the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary.” Trudi Malan, Rehabilitasie Adviseer, het die groep verwelkom en hulle volledig oor die situasie rakende die Afrika Pikkewyn ingelig. Daarna het Xolani Lawo, Rehabilitasie Bestuurder, hulle oor die rehabilitasie-proses ingelig. Cari du Preez, Bemarker van Marine Dynamics, het die belangrikheid van verskeie instansies se samewerking met Dyer Island Conservation Trust se projekte met hulle bespreek.

“The African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary received a generous cash donation of R1,150 towards their facility from the Chairman Peter Pretorius, on behalf of the club,” het Anwynn gesê. “They also planted a coastal silver oak tree in our garden to offset their carbon emissions. These are wonderful gestures and the Dyer Island Conservation Trust as well as The African Penguin & Seabird Sanctuary would like to express their deepest appreciation toward the Garden Route Motor Club,” het Trudie gesê. “African Penguins and classic cars have one thing in common; we need to nurture them.”

Die APSS is elke dag van die week vanaf 09:00 tot 16:00 oop vir gratis besoeke en inwoners en besoekers kan gerus ‘n draai gaan maak. Onthou van die Pikkewyn Reddingslyn se kontaknommer: 072-598-7117.

Hardus Botha

Motorklub pro-Pikkewyne

Hardus Botha

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