Gift of the Givers besoek GB

Gift of the Givers besoek GB

Gansbaai Courant

“Ons het die nood in Gansbaai en omgewing raakgesien en daar is gehoor gegee aan ons versoek wat ons aan die Gift of the  Givers Foundation gerig het,” sê konst A Naidoo, Gansbaai SAPD: Social Crime koördineerder. “Die areas wat ons geïdentifiseer het, is Gansbaai-dorp, Beverley Hills, Blompark en Masakhane.” ‘n Span van Gift of the Givers het op Dinsdag, 13 Oktober 2015 ‘n besoek aan hierdie areas gebring en meer as ‘n 1,000 voedselpakkies is aan mense in nood uitgedeel. Konst Naidoo bedank graag vir me Meiring wat ‘n baie groot rol gespeel het om die Gift of the Givers hier te kry. Gift of the Givers is the largest disaster response NGO of African origin on the African continent. Having been established on the instruction of a Sufi Sheik, Muhammed Saffer Effendi  al  Jerrahi (a spiritual teacher) in Istanbul, Turkey,  on  a  Thursday evening, 6 August 1992, Gift of the Givers has delivered life saving aid in the form of Search and Rescue teams, medical personnel, medical equipment, medical supplies, medicines, vaccines, anti-malarial medication, high energy and protein supplements, food and water to millions of people in 41 countries, South Africa included. Commencing as a disaster response agency the organisation now has 21 categories of projects which include bursaries, agricultural self sustainability, water provision, counseling and life skills services, entrepreneurship and job creation and many more, establishment of primary health care clinics and medical support to hospitals an many more. Vir meer inligting kan hulle webtuiste by besoek word.

Hardus Botha

Gift of the Givers besoek GB

Hardus Botha

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