Club Championships

Club Championships

Gansbaai Courant

Early in the morning on Tuesday 24 November 2015, 16 teams of chosen mixed pairs players arrived at the Franskraal Bowls Club. The 16 teams had previously been split up into 4 sections of 4 teams each to play each team in their own section to determine the 4 section winners on a “Round Robin” basis. President Pieter Conradie welcomed everyone and introduced Kay Puttick, the Match Secretary to discuss the format and rules for the competition.

Play was limited to 7 rinks on “B” Green and so each of the first 3 sections had 1 bye as 2 teams sat out in one of the 3 sets of games played. Each team played the other 3 teams in their section. Play started on B Green East – West for the first 2 games with a break in between. This was followed by a packed up lunch as the green was turned North – South for the third set of section games on the day to complete play on the first day of this tournament.

Play resumed the following day, Wednesday 25 November at 9am sharp as the 6 teams from the first 3 sections completed their 3rd set of games from their previous day’s 3 byes. The sections results were as follows:-

Section 1               Jane de Villiers & Jaco Swart                     
Section 2               Betsie Schreuder & Johan Fick                        
Section 3               Tommie van Niekerk & Gerrie Fourie            
Section 4               Roelof Eksteen & Lerina Ferreira

Club Captain Jaco Swart & Match Secretary Kay Puttick drew the teams for the 2 semi-finals and Section 1 played Section 4 and Section 2 played Section 3.

The 2 semi final winners were as follows:-

Jane de Villiers & Jaco Swart                                                           

Betsie Schreuder & Johan Fick

This was followed by the final which was very well contested by both teams and the 2015 Chosen Mixed Pairs winners were Betsie Schreuder & Johan Fick. Congratulations to you both and a very BIG THANK YOU to all the participants.

Chris Malec

Club Championships

Chris Malec

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