Successful Kwaskenades Ubuntu Art Exhibition

Successful Kwaskenades Ubuntu Art Exhibition

Gansbaai Courant

It has been an honour and a privilege to have been part of the Kwaskenades ‘Ubuntu’ Art Exhibition from 14 to 19 December. Olga and her team of ladies did Gansbaai proud with exquisite artwork. This was Olga’s idea and a great charity drive for two charities. Olga is pleased to announce that an amount of R1500 will be donated to the Silwer Jare Sentrum and R1500 will be donated to Elim Children’s home. This is the total profit that was made from the fund raiser. Olga feels that the ‘Ubuntu’ message has spread which was her goal. Olga’s Gansbaai World painting was sold to a lady who actually lives in a country depicted on her painting and Olga is thrilled that this painting will travel over the waters to spread the word.  

We are proud to announce that Elize Theunissen from Natal won the raffle and chose the St Josephs Lillies painting, this painting will also travel from Gansbaai, a great achievement, I feel. I thank everyone who attended the opening night on 14 December and a special thank you to our Overstrand Executive Mayor, Alderlady Nicolette Botha-Guthrie for being our guest speaker. In closing we thank everyone who helped with this event, especially: Our Restaurants for their food platters: Thyme at Rosemary, The Great White House, Coffee on the Rocks, Grootbos, Blue Goose, Fynbos & Lighthouse Tavern. Wine & glasses (Gansbaai Superspar), tables & table cloths (o.m.G.e.e. Bedieninge), flowers (Bertha), printing of tickets (Chantel Hickey of Family Holiday & Leisure Magazine), sound system (Louw de Wit), facility (Gansbaai Tourism) and media & radio (Gansbaai Courant, Hermanus Times, Janet Marshall of Cape Whale Coast).

Julia Barlow

Successful Kwaskenades Ubuntu Art Exhibition

Julia Barlow

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