10 Years Service at Lighthouse Tavern

10 Years Service at Lighthouse Tavern

Gansbaai Courant

Bomlkazi Joyce Ndlazi commenced duty at Lighthouse Tavern Country Pub & Restaurant as a casual domestic worker on 24 December 2005 and became a permanent employee on 06 January 2006.  

In December 2007, William saw the potential in Joyce and we promoted her to assistant cook.  Joyce is now the head cook at our establishment and is our right hand lady.  Not only is she our cook but she controls both our stores and stock supplies.  No task is too much for her and she is our most loyal employee.

We are very proud of her for her dedication and hard work. 

In addition, she is always eager to learn and has purchased her own vehicle and has her drivers licence.  She transports all our other employees from and to Masakhane.  Joyce has also joined me in a running programme and completed the Danger Point 10k run in December 2014. On Sunday, 03 January 2016 we had a celebration for her achievement and presented her with her long service award certificate and a gift.

We thank and congratulate Joyce for her loyal service and hard work.

Julia Barlow & William Barlow

10 Years Service at Lighthouse Tavern

Julia and William Barlow

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