R43 Padgebruikers Kla: Padmakers Moet Spoed V...
Gansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
The recent deluge of fires across the Overstrand, has seen an increase in calls for assistance being placed by the public to the Overstrand Municipality’s Emergency Services. While the relevant personnel are readily on hand and suitably equipped to assist, they are, at times, being hampered in performing their duties and delivering a speedy and efficient service. This is due, in part, to the inability to find affected residential properties, sites or business premises where road signs have been damaged or removed or street numbers are not adequately displayed.
Executive Mayor, Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, has therefore made an appeal to residents and business owners in the region to please assist the Municipality by ensuring that the street numbers of their respective properties are clearly displayed. “Unless your house or property number is visibly displayed, calling an ambulance, fire brigade or the police in the event of an emergency will be of no use at all. If these emergency services cannot find you, then they can’t assist and valuable time, which could be used to save a life or your property, would have been wasted,” said the Mayor.
The point was further driven home by Municipal Manager, Coenie Groenewald, who stated, “In terms Section 18 of the Municipal By-Law relating to streets, public places and public nuisances, a premises – be it residential or commercial – must at all times display a number that is clearly visible and readable from a height of 1,5m above the centre line of the adjacent road or carriageway. In terms of this by-law, pro-perty owners who fail to comply with this notice could be held accountable for any damages incurred as a result of not displaying the allotted number for the premises in the correct way.”
The Overstrand Municipality therefore urges the public to check whether street numbers may have become illegible, obliterated or defaced in any way. Should clarity be needed on what the exact street address may be, please refer to the monthly municipal account provided to rate payers where the name of the street and number of the property will appear directly below the account holder’s name. Please also note that in the case of corner properties, the main entrance to the property will generally be regarded as the access address.
However, if further assistance is needed in clarifying your street address, or should assistance be sought from the respective emergency services, the below detailed contact information refers:
Overstrand Municipality office hours numbers
(Weekdays 07h45 – 16h30)
Hermanus Switchboard 028 313 8000
Gansbaai Switchboard 028 384 8300
Kleinmond Switchboard 028 271 8400
Stanford Switchboard 028 341 8500
Emergency numbers (All Week, 24-hours)
Emergency Control Room 028 313 8111
Traffic Department 028 313 8111
Law Enforcement 028 313 8111
Fire Department 028 312 2400
Ambulance Services 10177
Hermanus Provincial Hospital 028 315 5200
Hermanus Medi-Clinic Private Hospital 028 313 0168
NSRI 028 312 3180
Marine and Coastal Management 028 313 2703
Hermanus Police 028 313 5300
Gansbaai Police 028 384 0201
Stanford Police 028 341 0601
Kleinmond Police 028 271 8200
Emergency numbers (Weekdays 07h45 – 16h30)
Hermanus Fire Brigade 028 313 8980
Gansbaai & Stanford Fire Brigade 028 384 8374
Kleinmond Fire Brigade 028 271 8449
Emergency numbers (Weekdays 08h00 – 16h00)
Hermanus Child Welfare 028 313 0831
Kleinmond Child Welfare 028 271 4044
Emergency numbers (Weekdays 08h00 – 17h00)
Hermanus Animal Welfare 028 3121281 (Sat 08h00 – 12h00)
Kleinmond Animal Welfare 0282715004 (Sat 09h00 – 13h00)
Gansbaai Animal Welfare 083 742 3903 / 082 826 0631 (Sat 08h00 – 11h00)
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Read MoreGansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
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