Platbos Forest Festival

Platbos Forest Festival

Gansbaai Courant

Join Greenpop  for  an  idyllic,  fun-filled  weekend in the ancient Platbos Forest full of music, play, digging in and getting dirty as you help plant thousands of trees, and (re)connect with nature and a forest full of friends!

Together  we’ll  help  rehabilitate  Platbos and experience the spirit of  holistic  green  living  as  we  plant trees, camp under the stars and  Milkwoods,  dance  to  live  music  and  become  a  part  of  growing Platbos Forest Reserve back to its original abundance.

Th e festival  is  split  between a FAMILY weekend and a FRIENDS weekend. The family-focused weekend welcomes children of all ages, offers a range of exciting activities to get kids and adults interacting with the forest and each other, and ensures that music stops at about 10:30pm on Saturday night to give everyone a good night’s rest in the forest. The Friends weekend is the perfect place to bring old  friends  and meet new ones. The party goes on for longer and the eco-workshops  and talks are aimed at a more adult audience, although all ages are welcome at both events!

FAMILY Weekend: 11 - 13 March 2016

Tickets for the FAMILY Weekend:

Check out the FAMILY Weekend Facebook Event Page: 

FRIENDS Weekend: 18 - 20 March 2016

Tickets for the FRIENDS Weekend:

Check out the FRIENDS Weekend Facebook Event Page:

Unplug, (re)Connect and Reforest

Greenpop launches its 2016 Reforest Fest at Platbos

For the 6th consecutive year, Greenpop Reforest Fest will take place  in  March 2016 and will continue the tradition of mass green action - and mass fun!

The Greenpop Reforest Fest is a festival that gets people together to plant  thousands  of  trees  in Africa’s southernmost forest. It’s a full experience of getting your hands dirty, connecting with old friends and new, dancing to live music, attending eco-workshops, and camping under the stars and Milkwoods. 

Greenpop is a Cape Town-based social enterprise on a mission to (re)connect people with our planet and each other through planting trees - and have a whole lot of fun doing it. Reforestation festivals are a cornerstone of what they do, and the Greenpop Reforest Fest is a beautiful example.

In  2015,  festival-goers  planted 8001 trees in the Platbos Forest Reserve, helping rehabilitate this ancient forest back to its former abundance, and over two weekends they pushed the total number of trees planted by Greenpop over the 50 000 mark.

Roland Smit

Platbos Forest Festival

Roland Smit

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