Gansbaai Courant

On Friday, 11 March 2016, Overstrand Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie took delivery of a “Memorandum of Awareness and Support” petition from representatives of community development organisation, The Hermanus Rainbow Trust (HRT).  The organisation provides a number of parenting, life-skills and Early Childhood Development (ECD) programmes and support to over 150 families in the Overstrand through its “Parenting Worx” programme, which was jointly established with Stellenbosch University. In an attempt to address socio-economic ills such as substance abuse, domestic violence, unemployment, depression and the like, HRT have further developed an outreach programme aimed specifically at men.  It is to that end that the Trust has issued its petition to the Overstrand, with the view to possibly secure municipal funding to ensure the continuance of its work in that area. On accepting the petition the Mayor said, “Thank you for bringing your cause to the Municipality’s attention.  We are here to serve our people and welcome any support that ultimately leads to the overall development and improved existence of the community.” “My administration is committed to the creation of sustainable communities and establishing a system of transparency, public participation and collaboration  with  partners and stakeholders who share our vision.  In so doing, we can only strengthen our economy, as well as promote efficiency and effective service delivery,” Botha-Guthrie continued.

Charmaine Resandt


Charmaine Resandt

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