R43 Padgebruikers Kla: Padmakers Moet Spoed V...
Gansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
Skiboothengelaars is tans verward en ontevrede nadat die bootlanseerpunt by Rietfontein skielik toegespan is en hul daar belet word. Die verwarring volg nadat die amptelike openbare Rietfontein lanseerpunt deur die regering goedgekeur is, maar tog nou deur SanParke gesluit is.
'n Openbare deelname proses is op 5 Desember 2014 deur die Wes-Kaapse Regering van Omgewingsake en Ontwikkelingsbeplanning in werking gestel. Op 27 en 29 Januarie 2015 is openbare deelname vergaderings in onderskeidelik Kaap Aghulhas en Gansbaai Biblioteeksaal gehou. Na besprekings is daar voorgestel dat Rietfontein se sloep een van die Overstrand se lanseerpunte sal wees. "Deel van die motivering was dat die toegangsroete 'n serwituutpad is en die sloep al vir baie jare tradisioneel 'n erkende veilige hawe vir die lansering van lynvishengelaars was," het Ockie Viljoen, voorsitter van Overberg Lynvis Vereniging gesê.
Die insluiting van Rietfontein en ander Wes-Kaap lanseerpunte is gevolglik in die Staatskoerant van Januarie 2016 as erkende lanseerpunt vir bote aangedui. Ten spyte daarvan het Agulhas Nasionale Park beamptes die toegang tot die sloep toegespan, asook rotse op die pad geplaas en selfs teerpale gesink. Die plaasgemeenskappe van die omgewing, wat 'n samewerking ooreenkoms met Agulhas Nasionale Park het, is ook baie ontevrede dat hul regte ontneem word.
"On 29 January 2016 I informed Park ranger Lindey that the site at Rietfontein was declared open by die government gazette and requested him to remove the unlawful fence that was erected at Rietfontein to prevent us from using the launch site. His reply was that as per his knowledge the site does not exist. I found this very strange as the site has been used by commercial and recreational ski boat fisherman for many years," het Wilhelm van Reenen van Uintjieskuil in 'n brief aan die Parkbestuurder, MM Bulelwa Msengi geskryf.
Sy het in 'n ope brief as volg geantwoord.
Agulhas National Park's (ANP) key intention is to protect the lowland fynbos, the unique wetland systems, the geographic location at the Southern Tip of Africa, the rich cultural heritage aspects and to protect the diverse marine life of the area. Rietfontein is part of the ANP and Rietfontein se baai is a recreational area and the area has a very divirse ecosystem that includes estuary, wetlands and dune systems with rare and endemic fauna and flora.
As per the ANP's park Management Plan, biodiversity management is the primary mandate of the Park. An extensive research was conducted pertaining to the ecological systems and road networks so that the Park could progress to the desired state in terms of biodiversity. A decision was then taken to close a number of ecologically undesirable tracks throughout the Park with the jeep track in Rietfontein being one of them.
This jeep track in Rietfontein has resulted in disturbance of the natural ecosystem processes and degradation of the landscape with numerous tracks and paths formed along the coastline. Disturbance of the coastal area also affects the breeding and feeding areas of coastal birds and the cape clawless otter. As a result this jeep track will be closed with immediate effect.
The coast is still accessible with parking at Rietfontein se baai and as per the integrated Coastal Management Act, driving on the coast is prohibited.
Die vraag is egter hoe dit moontlik is om die openbare deelname proses en die Staatskoerant se proklamering eensydig deur die parkbestuurder van Agulhas Nasionale Park (SanParke) geïgnoreer kan word. Om hierdie oopstelling terug te trek, sal ook sekerlik moet lei tot nog 'n openbare deelname proses en 'n Wes-Kaap regeringsbesluit wat dan weer in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer sal moet word. 'n Skiboothengelaar, Luiz de Sousa het ook sy ontevredenheid, asook voorstelle vir die gebruik van die Rietfontein per brief aan die ANP gestuur. Hy kry volgens hom egter geen reaksie daarop nie. Hy het onder andere die volgende aangeraak.
You have not considered :
· Disabled people with beach driving permits cannot access the beach.
· Elderly anglers that like to tag along with their sons, that are still active, are now forced to walk ±8 km, with heavy equipment and tackle.
· Paying wildcard members and fishing permit holders who is now restricted, in enjoying their recreational sport and accessing their destination of choice, as it was done for over 50 years.
· The Die Dam residents who drove around through the park, via the jeep track, are now restricted and indirectly banned from accessing the rattle river, as they are prohibited from driving along the beach.
· The local farmers, Agulhas national park and the community that belongs to the local SMA agreement, are now also restricted by using the area for recreational activities.
· Restricting your own rangers and mcm inspector’s access by doing their job efficiently.
· Restrict access to the employees (farmers/workers), of the very same people you purchased the land from.
· Restrict access to rescue work operations, if an accident or shipping incident must occur.
· Restrict beach clean-up operations.
· Restrict scientific researchers
These road closures are creating more damage to the area, by people seeking an alternative route to the coast, which will continue and never end.
Francois de Jongh
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Read MoreGansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
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