R43 Padgebruikers Kla: Padmakers Moet Spoed V...
Gansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 2:5).
Facing this time of the Christian Year we are all standing beneath the cross, wondering what will be different this year? It must be something personal. It is your personal trust and confidence in Him that moves you towards GOD. Remember, we are not saved merely because we believe that Jesus Christ died for us on the Cross, but because we trust in Him who died.
It is the personal touch between Christ and ourselves that causes His life to pass into our nature, making us sound and healthy, as well as secure and safe.
What does the Cross mean to you and me? Does it not mean that there our Lord gave Himself absolutely to the Father's will? Never in any way did He make Himself the origin and fountain of His action, but was ever the empty channel through which GOD poured Himself. "He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." (Phil. 2:8) It seemed as if He went down lower and lower, on rung after rung of the ladder until He reached Hades, giving up everything only to follow the Will of God; but out of the lowest depths God raised Him to the Eternal Throne.
In each one of us there is strong self-will. You say, "I am resolved to be a good man or woman, to live a noble life, to give up bad habits--I will." But it can never be accomplished in that way. It is only when we are willing to see ourselves, our own energy, our good self as well as our bad self brought to an end on the Cross of Jesus, that we shall be able to enter into and live His eternal life.
At this moment I would summon you to stand beneath the Cross and to see there One who entirely gave up His own will. More than that, I want you to see your self-life nailed there, and turn from it to GOD in adoration, saying that you are prepared to be weak and helpless so far as your own energies are concerned, that He may put forth in your life the mighty energy of that power which raised Christ from the dead. It is only when we are weak that we are really strong; it is only when we surrender ourselves to the power of the Cross, so that we realize that we have been crucified with Christ, that we are able to share in His eternal victory over the devil and the power of evil.
Look up at the cross and see the exalted King of Kings. Bow down and give yourself as His servant!
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Read MoreGansbaai Courant het heelwat klagtes van padgebruikers ontvang dat die R43-pad tussen Stanford en Gansbaai onveilig is.
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