Overstrand Mayoral Sport Festival

Overstrand Mayoral Sport Festival

Gansbaai Courant

Saturday, 19 March 2016:  The early morning build-up of clouds and threatening rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of the gathering crowd, as participants and spectators geared up for the kick-off of the 2016  Overstrand Mayoral Sport Festival  that took place at the Zwelihle Sport Grounds on Saturday, 19 March.

Overstrand  Executive  Mayor,  Nicolette  Botha-Guthrie, delivered a heart-warming opening address, making particular reference  to  sport  being  an excellent platform for social cohesion and its ability to transcend any racial, religious or discrimination barriers.

To  this  end, Botha-Guthrie stated, “Events of this nature provides  a  marvellous  platform  to  bring  communities  together, whilst at the same time it is an ideal showcase for emerging  sporting  talents and related skills development programmes.”

The Mayor further added, “As the competing teams take to the field, I urge you to do so in the spirit of sportsmanship, to give of your best but, most importantly, to have fun and enjoy the camaraderie amongst each other.”

This  sentiment  was  evident throughout the day where healthy rivalry  between  the  teams  was  tempered with touching moments of kindness and affection.  The Hermanus Ladies Netball Club, for instance, endeared themselves to many with their  gift  of Easter lollies and warm hugs to opponents, Gansbaai’s Sea Stars ahead of what  would prove to be a fiercely contested match in the ladies netball final.  Although the  Sea  Stars  put  up  a  brave  fight, the winning crown ultimately, went to the Hermanus ladies.

In much the same way, only friendly jesting could be heard above the cheering banter of supporters and team mates in the other sporting code challenges. A nail-biting cricket final saw Hawston reaching a target of 112 to beat an understandably disappointed Kleinmond  by  one  run.  Remarks  from  the elated, yet humble Hawston team ranged from, “sorry Kleinmond, better luck next year”, “you guys really gave us a run for our money, no pun intended” to “luck was on our side today, it could have gone either way.”  The much anticipated men’s soccer final standoff between the two long-time rival Zwelihle teams, saw Mighty Blues living up to their name by trumping Zwelihle United Brothers (ZUBS) to a three-two win and take home the much-coveted Mayoral Cup, as well as a R3000 cheque.

But it was MPP Masizole Mnqasele’s comment after the prize giving that best summed up the day, “I’ve attended many similar events but this is by far one of the best I’ve ever been to. The atmosphere was wonderful. You can see everyone enjoyed  themselves.  I know I certainly did.  Well done, Overstrand!”

Charmaine Resandt

Pro the Executive Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie

Overstrand Mayoral Sport Festival

Charmaine Resandt

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