Supreme Court Ruling

Supreme Court Ruling

Gansbaai Courant

On  31 March 2016 the Supreme Court ruled in favour of White Shark Projects in the Shark Team vs. Tallman case, absolving the company of any culpability in the incident that occurred on April 13, 2008.

Facts  brought  before  the  court proved that White Shark Projects,  and  their  Skipper,  Mr. Grant Tuckett  was not negligible in any way, leading up to and during the events of that fateful day.

“It is with great relief that we welcome this news but in no way does it feel like a "win". The ruling does not in any way diminish the tragedy of that day and our thoughts are always with the family and friends of the victims. We would like to thank the travel and tourism industry who stood by us during this time and supported us all the way.  We are relieved that we can put the legal ordeal behind us now,” says Charmaine Beukes, co-owner of White Shark Projects.

We have always approached this matter on the basis that the wave that capsized Shark Team, resulting in the tragic and untimely death of three passengers, could never have been anticipated  by even the most prudent of skippers, which Grant Tuckett was known in the industry to be.  Our clients’ defence  to  Mrs Tallman’s  claim had as much to do with affirming and vindicating the reputation of the boat owner and the professional integrity of Mr Tuckett as it had to do with resisting Mrs Tallman’s unjustified claim for monetary damages. Our clients are obviously very pleased that all five of the Supreme Court of Appeal judges found that there was no negligence on their part.  – Michael Tucker, ENSafrica, attorney for White Shark Projects and Grant Tuckett.

Supreme Court Ruling

Charmaine Beukes

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