Hug a Baby Group in Pearly Beach

Hug a Baby Group in Pearly Beach

Gansbaai Courant

There  comes  a  time  when  one realizes that doing something charitable is very rewarding. Many mothers in state hospitals often  have  nothing  to  clothe  their  new born babies in when leaving the maternity ward. Jenny heard of a non-profit organisation providing mothers of new born babies with a gift bag of basics.

This inspired her to find out more about Hug a Baby in Bredasdorp, a charitable service  provider  to  four  State  hospitals  namely,  Bredasdorp, Swellendam,  Montague  and  Caledon.  She  contacted them, in September 2015  and  her  sister  assisted  with the knitting and crocheting. Soon more ladies in Pearly Beach and even a “swallow” from Germany, Renate Boettcher who lives in Pearly Beach 5 months a year started knitting. Not only do these ladies reduce their wool stash, but they make a huge difference in some baby’s start to life. The group meets on Sunday afternoons. The Hug a Baby charitable  service  provider  donates a bag containing the basics to every mother of a new baby. Proper record is kept of each donated item, to avoid “self-enrichment” or the sale of any item.

The Hug a Baby charity is supported by volunteers in the Overberg area and further afield. Donations of any baby wool would be welcome. Contact Beatriz Bollmann at 028-381-9657.

Beatriz Bollmann

Hug a Baby Group in Pearly Beach

Beatrice Bollman

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