Gansbaai Courant

Cape Town,  Friday  15 April 2016:  The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (the Department), wishes to inform the public about the status of FRAP 2015/16 process.

In terms of the FRAP 2015/2016 process, the Department distributed 16 744 application forms for the nine (9) fishing sectors as well as Fish Processing Establishments sector, where rights expired at various times during the course of 2015 and 2016.  These application forms were distributed between 23 November 2015 and 11 December 2015 in all nine (9) provinces. 

The Department embarked upon a Receipting process (collection of completed application forms). This phase took place between 01 February 2016 and 26 February 2016 in all nine (9) provinces. A total of 5 597 completed application forms were receipted by the Department and have also been independently audited by PricewaterHouseCoopers.

These application forms are in the process of being captured and  verified  by  dedicated  Departmental officials, while validation of the captured information is conducted by another independent auditing firm, Business Innovations Group.

It is anticipated that the Assessment teams will finalise the allocations  per  sector  in  May  and  June  2016  and that preliminary lists will be made public towards the end of June 2016,  after  which  the  Minister  will  open  the  appeals process.  The Department aims to conclude the appeal process by 31 August 2016.

For more information please contact Palesa Mokomele, Director: Communication Services (Fisheries) at PalesaM@daff.gov.za or call on 0829041908.



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