Gansbaai Courant

World Hand Hygiene Day is actively advocated and promoted on May 5 annually through various hand hygiene activities. This year Western Cape Government Health will again join the rest of the healthcare fraternity in the SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands campaign. The campaign is driven by the World Health Organization (WHO) to encourage healthcare providers and the public to promote and practice good hand hygiene measures to reduce the risk of infection. Western Cape Minister of Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo emphasised the importance of regular hand washing routine as it can play a significant role in the prevention of disease and the spread of germs. “Through regular hand washing we can have a healthier society. Infection control is of paramount importance and the public should be aware of the advantages of regular hand washing and make it part of their daily routine”.  The Influenza season is currently in its beginning stage in South Africa. This usually takes place between the last week of April and the first week of July. Hand hygiene practices are key in preventing flu and other diseases and illnesses healthcare settings, in daycare facilities, in schools and public institutions, and for the safety of our food. It is also the number one way of preventing the spread of diarrhoea. Since the start of the Paediatric Surge Season in the Western Cape (November 2015) until 10 April 2016, 39 810 children under five were treated for diarrhoea and 8 312 for pneumonia. Many of these could have been prevented if good hand hygiene was practiced. To reduce your chance of falling sick, we encou-rage the public to make today the day they make regular hand washing part of their daily activities as well as after changing their baby’s diaper and before preparing or eating food.

Health facilities across the province will actively promote hand hygiene amongst staff and clients, illustrating that clean hands save lives. Tygerberg Hospital will, through a hand hygiene relay, attempt to set up a Guinness World Record with WHO in having the most number of people washing their hands at the same time.  For more information on Tygerberg Hospital’s attempt at the Guinness World Record, please contact, Laticia Pienaar at or 021 938 5454.


Western Cape Government Health

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