Time to vaccinate against influenza

Time to vaccinate against influenza

Gansbaai Courant

Winter is around the corner and that means so is the influenza season.

People usually  develop influen-za suddenly. Symptoms include fever, cough, headaches, runny or blocked nose, body aches or tiredness.

While some people are able to treat mild influenza at home, others need to visit a doctor. In severe cases, patients may need to be hospitalised. Don’t let influenza get you down.  

ER24 is urging people to have the influenza vaccine at a pharmacy or healthcare centre in preparation for the flu season.

While the season has not yet begun, it is recommended that people receive the influenza vaccine as soon as it becomes available to ensure they are protected. It takes about two weeks for protective antibodies to develop after receiving the vaccination.

Although  everyone should ideally get the vaccine, the following higher risk groups should be prioritised:

· Children between the ages of six months and five years.

· Adults and children who come into contact with those who are high-risk. People over the age of 65.

· Adults  and children who receive medical care for or who have conditions such as diabetes, chronic pulmonary and cardiac disease and chronic renal diseases.

· Pregnant women, irrespective of the stage of pregnancy.  Women who are still within their two weeks after delivery should also have the vaccination.

· Healthcare workers due to the nature of their work.

ER24’s  Emergency Contact Centre can be reached 24 hours a day on  084 124  for  any medical emergency.

Chitra Bodasing

Time to vaccinate against influenza

Chitra Bodasing, ER24

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