Bronwyn Off to Brazil

Bronwyn Off to Brazil

Gansbaai Courant

Brazil awaits Bronwyn Loubser,  daughter of Nick and Brenda Loubser – when she leaves South Africa in June as part of an outreach programme.

Bronwyn, a former learner at Laerskool Gansbaai, who matriculated at Bredasdorp High School last year, forms part of the performing arts Discipleship Training School in Worcester, with the organisation, Youth With A Mission (YWAM).

YWAM is a non-profit, youth ministry organisation, which trains and sends young people into the mission field.  It is also a time of personal growth and deve-lopment for these youngsters.

This six month course, starts with a three months lecture phase which is Worcester-based.  Participants attend lectures, create and rehearse their production and reach out to the local community, where they share God’s Word and serve where possible. The next three months are spent on an off-base outreach.  Here they use their production as a medium to connect and engage with people, while sharing God’s Word with them. At this stage they are also involved in volunteer work and mercy ministries.  Bronwyn is very excited, as this year’s outreach is to Brazil of which the first part will be in the Amazon jungle.

They will be based in Manous and make trips to villages deeper into the jungle.  The next part will be in Rio, during the Olympic Games.  They see it as a unique opportunity to minister to people from all over the world, in one place.

The outreach team consists of thirty six people with a budget of just over a million rand. The team try to be as proactive  as  possible in raising funds, but can use all the help they can get. Anyone interested in making a donation can phone Bronwyn at 083 652 3789.

Bronwyn Off to Brazil

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