Trolley Library for Fynbos Akademie

Trolley Library for Fynbos Akademie

Gansbaai Courant

AVBOB’s Trolley Library ignites reading buzz amongst Papiesvlei Fynbos Academy learners. On 19 April 2016 the learners and educators of The Fynbos Academy could barely contain their excitement at recently being gifted with a first-of-its-kind Trolley Library, filled with a variety of educational material, from benefactor AVBOB. The specially held handover ceremony that took place  at  the  school’s   premises  in Papiesvlei, Stanford was well supported and marked by the presence of AVBOB’s Group CEO Frik Rademan, Overstrand’s Executive Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, as well as a number of education luminaries and interested community members.

In his keynote address, Rademan stated, “To date we’ve donated thousands of books and various educational aids to 31 schools, but the  Fynbos  Academy  is  the first to receive a Trolley Library - brainchild of our Group  Communication Manager, Marius du Plessis - aimed at assisting smaller schools like this.”

Entertainment in the form of a lively rendition of local folksong ‘Mannetjies Roux’ performed by the school’s grade 1 - 6 learners, accompanied by Head Teacher Annelize Zeelie on piano, had the audience jiving along; but it was the moving rendition of well-known hymn ‘In Moments Like These’ that really struck a chord. On delivering her speech, Botha-Guthrie quipped, “How very fitting that you chose that hymn.

We are indeed very thankful to valued supporters like AVBOB for their significant role  and  contribution in aiding us with ensuring the literary needs of our communities.

Anyone wanting to lend further assistance to The Fynbos Academy can contact Zeelie on her cell number 074-333-4463, or alternatively on email address

Trolley Library for Fynbos Akademie

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