Join Flower Valley's 67 Mandela Minutes

Join Flower Valley's 67 Mandela Minutes

Gansbaai Courant

Volunteers are invited to give 67 minutes of their time or resources to support young children in the Gansbaai region this Mandela Day on 18 July. And this year, Flower Valley Conservation Trust is tailor making contributions to specifically suit businesses and volunteers.

Flower Valley runs an Early Childhood Development Programme in the Overstrand area, supporting five centres to offer a holistic education to pre-primary school children. The five centres are based in the small towns of Buffeljagsbaai and Pearly Beach, two centres are in the Masakhane township and the Early Learning Centre is on Flower Valley Farm.

Contributions to support the centres will be based on the skills and resources that businesses and individuals can provide, which will then be matched up to the needs of the centres.

According to Gabrielle Jonker, Coordinator of the ECD Programme: “On behalf of the five centres, we extend an invitation to you to make a contribution that suits your business and will make a difference in the lives of young children.”

The ECD Programme is reaching more than 100 children in the Strandveld region, while providing support to 18 practitioners. The centres are being equipped to provide essential early learning to children, with an environmental slant. Without these five centres, many children would not have had the chance to receive this essential pre-school development.

Mandela Day, on 18 July, provides volunteers with the opportunity to reach out into their communities, to make a lasting contribution. South Africans are asked to give 67 minutes of their time to a good cause.

To get involved, please contact Gabrielle Jonker as soon as possible: or call: 082 326 4906.

Join Flower Valley's 67 Mandela Minutes

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