Licences bring joy and worth

Licences bring joy and worth

Gansbaai Courant

The Driving Licence Project aimed at addressing the high unemployment rate amongst the youth in the Overstrand, proved so successful that 6% of its candidates are now employed by the Overstrand Municipality, 16% are working as interns at various organisations and another 16% are enjoying full time employment in the private sector.

These statistics are particularly pleasing to the Overstrand Municipality, Department of Mineral Affairs, AFRIMAT and Overberg Driving School. 

The collaborative efforts of these partners and stakeholders ensured the intake of young people aged 18 - 35 years who completed the course, are now able to boast a driving qualification.

As one of the participants said, “Each of us recognised that getting a driver’s licence would provide us with the means of securing greater career opportunities. 

With this licence I stood out amongst other applicants and I think it was one of the deciding factors of me getting the job I currently hold at the Magistrates Court.”

There to join in the celebrations at the graduation ceremony held at Herman Swart Hall in Hermanus, were representatives of the partners and stakeholders involved, as well as Overstrand Executive Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie who delivered the keynote address.

To that end, Botha-Guthrie stated, “The purpose of youth development programmes like the Driving Licence Project is to empower young people with information, assure them a qualification and connect them with relevant opportunities.”

Licences bring joy and worth

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