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HaS se Dankbaarheid

HaS se Dankbaarheid

 “Hier by die Tehuis het een van ons inwoners, in haar negentigs, gesê hoe ouer jy word, hoe vinniger loop die tyd,” vertel John van Rooyen, Bestuurder: Herberg-aan-See (HaS).

Gansbaai Courant
Yeah, but Do You Know the LORD?

Yeah, but Do You Know the LORD?

This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the ...

Gansbaai Courant
Aon and Volunteers

Aon and Volunteers

Aon on volunteers helping communities at risk. Celebrating its commitment to empowering economic and human possibility  around  the  world,  Aon,  the global provider of risk management and human resource consulting and ou...

Gansbaai Courant
In Memoriam Beryl Pienaar

In Memoriam Beryl Pienaar

Wyle Beryl Nell Pienaar is op Sondag, 12 Julie 2015 in die ouderdom van bykans 84 jaar ná ‘n kort siekbed oorlede. Beryl is op 3 November 1931 gebore. Enkele maande ná haar eggenoot, wyle Pine Pienaar, ‘n welbekende ...

Gansbaai Courant
PACA se terugvoering

PACA se terugvoering

Die Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA) se terugvoeringsvergadering onder voorsitterskap van  Kobus  van Staden het  onlangs plaasgevind. 

Gansbaai Courant
Delegates get to grips with Online Marketing

Delegates get to grips with Online Marketing

This  week  saw  eleven  very proud  and happy entrepreneurs who have successfully completed the “Understanding Online Marketing and Social Media” training course presented by CG Consulting at the Tourism Bureau i...

Gansbaai Courant


Woodwind mastery will be in the air when Flautist Matvey Demin of Russia and Clarinetist Sang Yoon Kim of South Korea join musical forces to present the UNISA Winners’ Tour of South Africa.

Gansbaai Courant
Hermanus Gr 11s by Rainbow Kids

Hermanus Gr 11s by Rainbow Kids

 “Vyf graad 11 leerders van Hoërskool Hermanus het onlangs saam aan ‘n gemeenskapstaak gewerk,” vertel Hayley Jordaan.

Gansbaai Courant
Jolette mal oor kursusse

Jolette mal oor kursusse

Jolette Bezuidenhout van Laerskool Gansbaai sê sy is “mal” oor kursusse.

Gansbaai Courant


Indien jy ‘n paar mooi silwervisse wil vang, probeer in die dieper water (so tussen 40 en 60 meter).

Gansbaai Courant
Alida maak hengel-geskiedenis

Alida maak hengel-geskiedenis

Saterdag was dit weer Hengelkompetisie te Pearly Beach deur die Pearly Beach Hengel- en Ontspanningsklub. Isolde Smith, sekretaresse van die klub, vertel dat Alida Strydom behoorlik geskiedenis gemaak het.

Gansbaai Courant