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Kleindogter in Proteaspan

Kleindogter in Proteaspan

Albert en Marie Potgieter van De Kelders, bekend vir hulle Feetjietuin, is die trotse oupa en ouma van Rochelle Lawson (23) wat onlangs “as ‘n verrassing” deur Netbal Suid-Afrika by die Wêreldbekergroep ingesluit is.

Gansbaai Courant
Byron Kleingeld se Cum laude

Byron Kleingeld se Cum laude

Nog ‘n trotse Cum laude-student in Gansbaai is Byron Kleingeld (24), ‘n bekende agter Gansbaai Elektries se toonbank.

Gansbaai Courant
Wat praat ons als? (2 July 2015)

Wat praat ons als? (2 July 2015)

Nuusbrokkies vanuit Gemeenskap..

Gansbaai Courant
Lomond Wins International Trophy

Lomond Wins International Trophy

Lomond is celebrating after receiving the prestigious International Trophy for Red Rhone Varietals at the 2015 Decanter World Wine Awards in London.

Gansbaai Courant
Gesoute Marienebewaarder tree af

Gesoute Marienebewaarder tree af

Na 10 jaar diens as 'n Ere-Visserye Inspekteur het die 76-jarige Rob Lobb hierdie week afgetree.

Gansbaai Courant
Fishing Rights allocations

Fishing Rights allocations

2015/16 Fishing Rights allocation process (“frap 2015/16”): Public consultation meetings on draft fisheries sector specific policies, draft application forms and applicable fees.

Gansbaai Courant
Doulene se 10de Toerismejaar

Doulene se 10de Toerismejaar

“Die honorarium wat ek ontvang het, het my onverhoeds betrap en ek is nog steeds sprakeloos,” het Doulene Els (25) gesê tydens die oorhandiging van ‘n honorarium aan haar ná 10 jaar se getroue diens in Gansbaai Toerisme...

Gansbaai Courant
Penguin Rescue Line

Penguin Rescue Line

What to do if you find a stranded Penquin or Seabird..

Gansbaai Courant
Skokrower gelig

Skokrower gelig

'n Man wat positief deur sy vingerafdrukke met die November 2012 skokhuisroof in De Kelders verbind word, is Dinsdag aangekeer.

Gansbaai Courant
Huismoles lei tot dood

Huismoles lei tot dood

'n Argument tussen 'n man en sy vrou oor geld het na bewering Sondagaand om 02:00 tot die man se dood gelei.

Gansbaai Courant
Fire and invasive plant management highlighted

Fire and invasive plant management highlighte...

Fire management and the threat of invasive alien plants in the Overberg were key themes raised at the Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative (ABI) annual general meeting.

Gansbaai Courant
2015 Influenza Season has arrived!

2015 Influenza Season has arrived!

Every year during the winter months between May and August, South Africa experiences an increase in influenza (commonly known as flu) circulation.   There are several different strains of flu which may circulate each year. One of the...

Gansbaai Courant