Pearly Beach Bewarea Conservancy

Pearly Beach Bewarea Conservancy

GansbaaiCourant WhatsApp Nuus / News

 On the official web page of the WWF ( it is stated that this year, WWF’s Earth Hour campaign will be calling on everybody to make an individual promise to the planet by asking the question, “How do you honour the earth?”

Why not think about how your choices can help leave a legacy of flourishing ecosystems, healthy rivers and abundant flora and wildlife. How do you honour the earth? For seven years running on the last Saturday of March, millions of people from around the world have switched off their lights for Earth Hour as a symbolic gesture to show their commitment to taking positive actions for our planet. Beyond the symbolic 60 minutes of darkness, Earth Hour has grown into a powerful, global, citizen-driven movement of progressive change for the environment.

Earth Hour is an inspired opportunity to engage our hearts and minds and to reflect on, and renew our commitments to making the planet a place where we and future generations may prosper. Although we are not always aware of it, our individual actions can, and do, have a great impact on our natural world.

So please join this movement by switching off all lights on Saturday 29 March from 20:30 until 21:30 to show your commitment to saving our precious planet.

Pearly Beach Bewarea Conservancy

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