DA Shows Its Multi Coloured Coat

DA Shows Its Multi Coloured Coat

GansbaaiCourant WhatsApp Nuus / News

The misconception that the Democratic Alliance is a political party for whites was blasted away at the DA Rally for the Eastern Region of the Western Cape in Hartenbos on Saturday (12 April 2014).

The Walvis Hall, famous for performances by Afrikaans vocal artists during December holidays, was filled with the full spectrum of the DA’s rainbow of cultural support, mostly enthusiastic black and coloured members donned in bright blue t-shirts.                                                     

DA supporters from Mooiuitsig, Overhills, Proteadorp, Hawston and Mount Pleasant in front of their bus.

On the stage a marimba band, rappers and Yebo Yes Ja, a group known for its fusion of Afrikaans and Xhosa songs, filled the gaps between very short speeches by DA leaders Ivan Meyer, Theuns Botha and Wilmot James. Outside a brass band from George welcomed people arriving from constituencies in the districts of Overberg, Eden and Central Karoo.

Overstrand is one of these and more than a hundred suppor-ters came from Mooiuitsig, Overhills, Proteadorp, Hawston, Mount Pleasant, Zwelihle and Gansbaai.

In typical African style the arrivees formed groups that entered the hall singing moving down the one aisle and up in the other. Twice many of the thrilled supportes went up the stage to dance along with the rappers.

The  vibe  was electric and the message was clear that the Democratic Alliance is a real alternative for the ruling ANC. An observer told SSMA that the DA can look out to increase its majority in the Western Cape to over 60 per cent and that there is a real chance that they can come into power in Gauteng and the Northern Cape.

Theuns Botha, DA deputy leader in the Western Cape, said the ANC will be destroyed in the elections and that DA supporters must take up their arms and march towards election day on 7 May 2014.

Wilmot James on behalf of DA leader Helen Zille, who had to attend to the matter of the SABC pulling her party’s hard hitting advertisements off television and radio in Johannesburg, said the ANC is scared of the DA, who is the only political party that is growing from election to election.

The ANC is with their backs against the wall because their leader can not set a good example. Nkandla has become a symbol of excess and corruption. With the money spend on “King Jacob’s Palace” 200 000 thousand families could have been given a home, seven new schools could have been build and 1600 students could have been financed for three years of study with full board.

Ivan Meyer told the good story of the Western Cape. Contradictory to the claims of Marius Fransman the Western Cape is number  one  in  all areas of service delivery according to government reports. He pointed out the high percentage of access to services such as water, electricity, sanitation and refuse removal in all the DA run municipalities of the Eastern Region and their excellent financial control that is delivering clean or unqualified audit reports at these municipalities.

He called on voters to bring out their franchise for a state of rule and not a state of misuse of power. In 1994 the country voted to save South Africa from a blood bath. Twenty years later it is necessary to vote to save South Africa once again, Meyer said!                                             

SSMA / Fanie Krige

Kleinmond DA supporters with Lisel Krige, ward councillor for the area that includes Overhills and Proteadorp.

DA Shows Its Multi Coloured Coat

SSMA Fanie Krige

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