To Conserve & Uplift

Grootbos Foundation is a registered non-profit organisation in Gansbaai committed to conserving the Cape Floral Kingdom and uplifting the communities that reside within it. The foundation protects more than 22,200ha of fynbos landscape and biodiversity on Grootbos Private Nature Reserve and the Walker Bay Fynbos Conservancy. Working with individuals of all ages, the Grootbos Foundation aims to uplift whole communities through sports development, enterprise development and adult skills training. Grootbos Foundation is proud to serve more than 3,000 local beneficiaries each year.

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The Grootbos Foundation is a non-profit organisation established in 2003, to implement conservation and community upliftment projects to support the communities surrounding Grootbos Private Nature Reserve. 

  • Conserving, rehabilitating and protecting the natural environment of the Western Cape region, particularly the flora and fauna on Grootbos Private Nature Reserve and the Walker Bay region
  • Providing education relating to indigenous horticulture, conservation, ecotourism, and life skills education
  • Training and skills development for disadvantaged persons to enable them to obtain employment or become self-employed
  • Using sports and sports facilities as a tool for social integration, promoting healthy lifestyles for youth, and increasing environmental awareness and life skills among communities
  • Researching ecological, educational, social and scientific research on topics related to core programmes
Grootbos Private Nature Reserve

Grootbos Private Nature Reserve

Grootbos Private Nature Reserve is set on  3,650 hectares in the smallest of the world’s six recognised floral kingdoms, the Cape Floral Kingdom. The reserve provides a unique chance to immerse oneself in the fynbos and forests featuring 954 plant species while observing the birds, animals and amphibians that live in them.


Botanist and Conservation Director Sean Privett and the late Heiner Lutzeyer explored, recorded and photographed the region’s flora for over a decade. This resulted in one of the most detailed botanical studies ever undertaken in the Cape Floral Kingdom. An initial collection of 885 plant species were identified by Sean and Heiner, seven of which were new to science, namely:

  1. Erica magnisylvae
  2. Cliffortia anthospermoides
  3. Lachenalia lutzeyeri
  4. Pterygodium vermiferum
  5. Capnophyllum lutzeyeri
  6. Dasispermum grandicarpum
  7. Indigofera wenholdiae

Find out more about this sustainable eco-reserve and its award-winning lodges, villas and experiences, here: Grootbos Private Nature Reserve

The Enterprise Development Programme

The Enterprise Development Programme

The Enterprise Development Programme focuses on career development for youth through targeted interventions at key stages in a youth’s path to employment. 

South Africa’s youth unemployment is at a staggering 60% for youth under 25. The foundation’s Enterprise Development programme works towards alleviating this unemployment through:

  • Early Childhood Development
  • Career Development in High Schools
  • Employability Work Skills and Experience for School Leavers
  • Entrepreneurship Mentorship
Green Futures Education

Green Futures Education

Green Futures Education is Grootbos Foundation's adult skills training initiative. Through Green Futures College youth can study accredited courses in Indigenous Horticulture and Hospitality. This is a life-changing opportunity.

  • Green Futures College
  • Eco-Tourism Training
  • Hospitality Training
  • Indigenous Fynbos Nursery
  • Alien Vegetation Management Training
  • Future Trees
  • Protected Environment Project
  • Ecosystem Restoration
  • Ecological Research (botanical, faunal, entomological)
  • Walker Bay Fynbos Conservancy
Conservation Research Unit

Conservation Research Unit

The Conservation Research Unit at Grootbos Foundation has six specialised researchers and two interns, based at Grootbos Private Nature Reserve. 

The unit aims to document and understand the natural biodiversity of the Walker Bay region within the greater Agulhas Plain, through ecological surveys and ongoing research projects. 

A team of botanists, entomologists and conservationists work with land owners and external researchers to develop a greater understanding of the Cape Floristic Region’s botanical, entomological, and ecological biodiversity, which informs the conservation management of the landscape.

Sports Development

Sports Development

The Sports Development Programme provides sports training that uplifts communities and supports youth development. 

Friendly sports interaction is used as a tool to teach vital life skills. Targeted curricula include HIV education, female empowerment, environmental education, proper nutrition, enterprise development, mental wellness, gender-based violence and ocean conservation.

The Grootbos Foundation’s Sports Development focuses on:

  • Multi-Sports Programming (soccer, athletics, hockey, canoeing, swimming)
  • Holiday Programmes
  • Grassroots HIV / AIDS Awareness
  • Educational Programmes
  • Shewana Female Empowerment Programme
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Awards & Mentions

Awards & Mentions

The Grootbos Foundation carries the following awards and mentions:

WTM Africa Responsible Tourism Awards 2024
  • GOLD winner at the WTM Africa Responsible Tourism Awards 2024 
Eco-Logic Awards 2023
  • Bronze Nature Conservation Award 2023
Imvelo Travel
  • Imvelo
Condé Nast Traveller
  • Condé Nast Traveller’s Annual Green List
World Travel & Tourism Council
  • Best in Poverty Reduction
World Travel & Tourism Council
  • Tourism for Tomorrow Awards (finalist)
Responsible Tourism Awards
  • Best for Conservation of an Endangered Species
Donors, Partners & Sponsors

Donors, Partners & Sponsors

The Grootbos Foundation thanks their donors, partners and sponsors:

  • Abi 
  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
  • Alster Grootbos Hockey Project
  • Asics
  • Breede & Capelle
  • British High Commission
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Coaches Across Continents
  • Crayfish Lodge 
  • Dyer Island Conservation Trust
  • Eden Project
  • Environmental Affairs
  • Flower Valley Conservation Trust
  • Friends International
  • Grassroot Soccer
  • Grootbos Private Nature Reserve
  • Ker & Downey
  • Murray & Roberts
  • National Lotteries Commission
  • New Balance
  • Overstrand Municipality
  • Premier League
  • Rotary International
  • RTL
  • Swiss Re Foundation
  • Taurus Cape Kelp
  • The Cape Wine Auction Trust
  • The Independent Code
  • The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
  • Walker Bay Fynbos Conservancy
  • WWvK
  • Youthzones

A special word of thanks goes to private individuals for their donations, each cent makes a difference! 

Donate Now

Donate Now

Programmes at Grootbos Foundation rely on generous donations from the community and conservation-minded individuals. Your donation will go towards the continuous running of our programmes. 

Please see below for examples of how your money could be spent within the foundation:

  • R150 - Propagation of a tray of indigenous seedlings at Green Futures Nursery
  • R250 - Sanitary pads for five girls for one month
  • R400 - People skills workshop for one school leaver
  • R800 - Batteries for one camera trap for one month of wildlife surveying
  • R1,600 - One college student’s college textbooks and study booklets
  • R 2,000 - Stipend for hospitality student for one month
  • R15,000 -  Seed funding for one female entrepreneur

Banking Details:

Grootbos Green Futures Foundation
First National Bank (Hermanus)
Branch code: 200412
Current account number: 62064420856
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Grootbos Foundation is a registered section 32, non-profit company (#2003/014519/08) audited annually by Villet and De Wet. The foundation is also registered as a public benefit organisation: PBO 930023319. BB-BEE Level 1 Compliant.



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